I'll take the stance from the pro shop side. I'm the ball doctor so to speak. You come to me to fix a problem and/or give you a certain ball reaction. As a professional ball driller, that's my job. I'm the professional here, not you. Do you go into the doctors office and tell him what to do..? No, he diagnose's the problem, gives you advice and suggest's the remedies.
So, if you go to a professional/competent ball driller, then it's up to him to decide how your ball gets drilled. I take full responsibility for my actions. Meaning if I decide to give you a certain layout and it doesn't work, I'll make it right on my dime.
As a bowler, the more you think you know/learn about drilling, weights/balancing, and layouts, most of the time the worse you're gonna be as a bowler..!! Because, your mind will be thinking too much about what you think should work ect..., instead of just throwing the ball and making it/letting it work.
You'll have a better peace of mind to just let your driller hand you a ball that gives you the reaction you're looking for, then trying to decide for yourself what you think will work.
You're better off in the long run not knowing all this technical stuff. The best bowlers in the world(PBA Players) let ball reps make the decision on new balls and layouts for them, for the reason I just mentioned.
Walter Ray is a prime example, but it's basically the same for the others too.
Why should a pro shop teach you all the knowledge he has worked for..? So you can come in and tell him how to drill/layout your ball..? Now if you want to learn all this stuff, go learn it on your own and open up your own pro shop. =:^D
Edited on 10/11/2004 12:28 PM