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Author Topic: Why are some drillers secretive?  (Read 4148 times)


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Why are some drillers secretive?
« on: October 10, 2004, 04:37:33 PM »
One would honestly think a driller would benefit from knowing the specs of a bowler.  He'd also benefit from the bowler being knowledgeable about himself as well.  Reason for my question is this, I questioned my driller, whom I never had a problem, concerning how I want my Nemesis drilled.  Of course, the first thing he said was "how do you want the ball to react?"   After a brief discussion, I asked more questions (i.e. PAP, axis tilt, etc.) soon after, to my surprise, I was met with "half" answers.  I know he was busy et al, but it really appeared as though he does the bulk of his work drilling balls according to the way people want them to react instead of being questioned about their specs.  Is it a matter of insecurity?  One would think a bowler KNOWING his/her own game would make matters a bit easier, no?

What's your relationship like with your driller?

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Re: Why are some drillers secretive?
« Reply #31 on: October 12, 2004, 09:59:07 AM »
Would you goto your favorite restaurant in town that has the best steak you've ever had in your life, sit down, order the steak medium-well, then go in the back and ask the cook for the recipe?  I think if you're satisfied it shouldn't matter, but if you want to learn there's more than enough online resources to learn about the game.


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Re: Why are some drillers secretive?
« Reply #32 on: October 12, 2004, 10:07:10 AM »
Hey Nollster/LL,

You guys are very nice and have a good sense of loyalty but even I understand when some of my customers go to Nats and there are just some deals that can't be passed up(on the last day).  I had one of my customers actually call me and tell me there was a high end ball he could pick up for $140 drilled, I told him to get it, even helped him with the layout.  Yes, I would lose money but I couldn't stop a friend/customer from saving money at the same time.  It's not fair to you guys either...I'll try my best to go halfway and that's how I try to keep a good relationship with my guys.

I do try like crazy to give him my business -- I buy the kids equipment there and have thought about trying to make what I think are fair deals vs. internet prices for my stuff.  Once I started thinking that way, I found their prices on balls were pretty much in line with what was on the internet factoring in shipping/drilling etc.  The funny thing is, I generally get a 10% discount on everything I buy and even better deals on the balls; but no matter what quote I get, the Mrs. can go in the same day and can get an even better deal!!  Need to find out what's going on there!!


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Re: Why are some drillers secretive?
« Reply #33 on: October 12, 2004, 10:59:58 AM »
I have used a few drillers. the two that are good are the total opposites. the both can fit your hand and you be fine.

driller one. has a big EGO. he doesn't want to discuses anything unless you are a close customer. I use to be. but even now he balks ant any thing I say. he has very little respect for customers knowledge. he is respectful to the customers mind you.
he just know's it all and guards his work. he is great for 80% of the people that buy balls. he work really do them harm but for the more advanced bowler who cares about layouts, he not the guy.
Hate internet balls or bringing in used balls.

Driller number #2. open doesn't care to guard his layouts. more than happy to drill me something I want. he will suggest different layouts and we go with them sometimes. Used balls internet balls . doesn't care.

I tried the Ideal pin placement theory. he went ahead and did it. I wanted a clt drilling. he knew what it was and set me up. I suggested pitches and he checked me out and discussed it.

driller #1 drilled everything stacked and never would work with pitch changes. refused to do a CLT. he said he offeset the thumb for someone and it doesn't work.

I know that if I'm out of state and need a ball, he will drill it and ups it or give me the specs. so now he gets all my business and I send everyone I meet to him.

there are probably 5 more good drillers in my area. so don't be afraid to get the service you want

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Re: Why are some drillers secretive?
« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2004, 02:08:09 PM »
Just a question for you guys on the subject of pro shop operators.

Over the summer I went to another pro shop because I was trying to see if there was something wrong with the drilling. I was lofting the ball severely. The pro who drilled the equipment would talk **** about my lofting the ball ignoring my explaination that when I attempted to put the ball down near the foul line I was struggling to get revs on the ball, or even a ball reaction for that matter.

Went to a new pro shop and told them I wanted to purchase an Ultimate Inferno. The driller had me throw a ball with what I felt was the best feeling ball several times. We went back into the shop, he took brand new measurements. Slightly stretched the span for me middle finger, went to a circular thumb hole (had oval shaped thumbs on the equipment by driller #1). When he was done, I throw a couple of balls and I noticed drastically that I was not lofting the ball as much. I'd say a good 8 feet of loft was eliminated. I used to loft to a little before the arrows, then suddenly I wasn't. Since then I have been able to work with getting the ball down at the foul line. I feel much better in terms of the ball coming off my hand and controling the reaction of the ball.

A few weeks later driller #1 got wind of my going elsewhere for a ball and proceeded to talk **** about the driller I got the Ultimate Inferno from. Then he said how the guy was known for drilling illegally stacked balls (ignoring the fact that some of the top bowlers in the area go to that driller). Then he proceeded to tell me that if I shot any honor scores that night he would call the ABC to have the ball checked. Since then I have had all my equipment plugged and redrilled by driller #2 and feel better about throwing every thing.

The question now, would I be better off sticking to the second driller because I feel more comfortable throwing the balls. Driller #1 claims that my spans were fine. Also would any of the pro shop operators here say things like that to a customer who went elsewhere?
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Re: Why are some drillers secretive?
« Reply #35 on: October 12, 2004, 03:46:07 PM »
stick with driller 2.

getting a good feel is key. there are guideline to start from. it's not an exact science. from there a good driller should listen to what your saying and make adjustments.

I personally am always tweaking with pitches and spans. once I find a comfortable grip I just make small increments to try and get what I need out of my releases. keeping comfort above any other notion of revs or tilt..
It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me