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Author Topic: why are you a prick when you bowl...  (Read 8021 times)


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why are you a prick when you bowl...
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:02:29 AM »
I think we all have things we do on and around the lanes that makes up pricks in someone elses eyes what is your thing?

for me I get bad rap because I tell it like it is when someone is acting like they are the best thing in bowling I challenge them to bowl against me and I usually win.

I used to be quite the loud bowler also but I have quited down as I have gotten older

Edited on 4/11/2008 1:36 PM
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2008, 02:43:15 PM »
If the guy next to me is on the approach holding his "I am ready" pose for too long (how can someone stand still with a bowling ball in their hands for ten seconds anyhow?), I will walk up on him and bowl.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~

I'm on the approash 15-20 seconds before I throw the shot. I set my feet, put my hand in the ball, set set, bend my knees a little, get comfy and then I go.

And if anyone ever jumped me while I was doing that, you'd see me flip out in a heartbeat. A persons rutine is a rutine.. who are you to say its too long?
My 15-20 seconds is short compared to many many many people I know!!!!!

I hope no one ever jumps someone because, in their opinion, they take to long. That's extremly rude, and as a bowler you should respect at least 1-lane courtesy.
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09

FAIL.   And it's routine.
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2008, 02:46:12 PM »
I have people look at me weird when I throw a bad shot, somehow get a sloppy or brooklyn strike out of it, and walk off the approach b****ing at myself for throwing a bad shot.  The more competitive guys understand, but most of the others think I'm nuts.  And it's not like I do this every time I throw a bad shot, but when I start struggling and throwing more bad shots than good, this behavior tends to really come out.

I also get weird reactions when someone tries consoling me by saying "Yeah, the lanes suck" and I reply with "It's not the lanes, I'm just throwing the ball like ****!"


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2008, 03:02:04 PM »
others think i'm a prick because i'm tired of everyone elses poor lane courtesy when it comes to the approach.


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2008, 03:14:51 PM »
I call myself many names when I toss a bad ball. Then I attempt to pick up the spare and forget (at least try to) about the last frame. I have had many different things happen in my life to remind me not to lose my temper. Everytime I look at my wrist I am reminded of it. Also I know that this is for fun I will never be good enough to compete at a high level of play. I guess people would think I am a prick because I am so hard on myself.

If I had to write an original response to this post, this would be it word for word, including the wrist part!!!
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Dan Belcher

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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2008, 03:24:02 PM »
I'm on the approash 15-20 seconds before I throw the shot. I set my feet, put my hand in the ball, set set, bend my knees a little, get comfy and then I go.

And if anyone ever jumped me while I was doing that, you'd see me flip out in a heartbeat. A persons rutine is a rutine.. who are you to say its too long?
My 15-20 seconds is short compared to many many many people I know!!!!!

I hope no one ever jumps someone because, in their opinion, they take to long. That's extremly rude, and as a bowler you should respect at least 1-lane courtesy.
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09
15-20 seconds???  Pick the ball up and f'ing GO!  There is no reason to take that long the approach and hold everybody up.  Use some common sense, man!  I'll tell you this, don't expect me to give you lane courtesy if you're taking that long because I have no tolerance for somebody being an inconsiderate prick, like you're doing by holding up everyone around you for no good reason!


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2008, 03:54:52 PM »
you guys want to talk about mad i threw a 378 on the chameleon last. My only vice was i started drinking the high life. Doesn't get much worse than that


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2008, 04:00:46 PM »
I'm on the approash 15-20 seconds before I throw the shot. I set my feet, put my hand in the ball, set set, bend my knees a little, get comfy and then I go.

And if anyone ever jumped me while I was doing that, you'd see me flip out in a heartbeat. A persons rutine is a rutine.. who are you to say its too long?
My 15-20 seconds is short compared to many many many people I know!!!!!

I hope no one ever jumps someone because, in their opinion, they take to long. That's extremly rude, and as a bowler you should respect at least 1-lane courtesy.
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09
15-20 seconds???  Pick the ball up and f'ing GO!  There is no reason to take that long the approach and hold everybody up.  Use some common sense, man!  I'll tell you this, don't expect me to give you lane courtesy if you're taking that long because I have no tolerance for somebody being an inconsiderate prick, like you're doing by holding up everyone around you for no good reason!

Amen to that Dan !!!!
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2008, 04:07:31 PM »
About all I do is cuss at myself for releasing the ball badly or not hitting my mark or any of the other two dozen things I do wrong to screw up my game.

However, I do get frustrated at some of my fellow  bowlers who leave a ten pin or an 8 - 10 or stone 8 etc. and complain that the lanes are bad or oily or some other thing which is of course, not their fault.

When I attempt to explain what really happened or suggest they go on the Internet and look at the slow motion videos of pin reaction etc. then they think I am a Pr**k. Perhaps I am in their eyes. TFB !!!
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2008, 04:44:12 PM »
Its not called "COURTESY", its called delay of the game.

"Pick the ball up and f'ing GO!"  <- That's the greatest way to bowl..

I see you'll never bowl a Regional a day in your life. Try jumping someone there and see how big of a fine you get.

I still bowl junior tournaments and a ton of us give 2 lanes.. and we all respect eachother doing so.. and we all know who gives the 2 and who doesn't. Hel1, there are some kids who only normally give one, but when they see me or someone else going, they give two. ITS CALL COURTESY AND RESPECT!!!
I guess it wrong to give to 2-lane courtesy to? Lol!
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09

Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.

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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2008, 04:49:59 PM »
It's all about competition, and nice guys finish last.

Kid Jete

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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2008, 04:55:22 PM »
Chris and pnj, for what it's worth you really can't compare tournament and league bowling.  I understand where both of you are coming from but it's like comparing apples to oranges.  The same goes with golf.  When I'm playing in a tournament I expect 6 hour rounds.  When I'm playing in a friendly skin game I except 4 hour rounds and a little more horse play.


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2008, 05:16:50 PM »
Chris I'm with you. I used to get up there and go. I thought I needed to get into a rythm. I'd say from stepping on the approach until the time I go I take about 10-15 seconds depending on the situation.

Also, I used to throw things and yell. I even once kicked a hole in the wall in a tournament. I realized I would never go anywhere doing that. Since then I have calmed down. I know that if I'm behind if I get mad I will never be able to make up the pins. My first coach said, "a smile adds 10 pins to your game." And I think that is right.
Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it.

Dan Belcher

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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2008, 05:32:06 PM »
"Pick the ball up and f'ing GO!"  <- That's the greatest way to bowl..

I see you'll never bowl a Regional a day in your life. Try jumping someone there and see how big of a fine you get.
No, in a tournament I'll just tell you to your face to stop dicking around on the approach and BOWL.  What the fsck are you doing up there that can't be done off the approach by the ball return?  Go through your preshot routine of wiping off your shoes, using rosin on your hand, wiping off your ball, whatever you want to do.  Then take your ball, stand on your spot on the approach, then put the ball in your starting position, look at your target, and GO.  You don't need to spend 15 seconds just staring down your target, wiggling your elbows, flexing your knees.  For the love of God, THROW THE DAMN BALL.

There is NO EXCUSE in being an inconsiderate a-hole by standing up there like an idiot wasting everyone's time, Chris.  NONE.

I still bowl junior tournaments and a ton of us give 2 lanes.. and we all respect eachother doing so.. and we all know who gives the 2 and who doesn't. Hel1, there are some kids who only normally give one, but when they see me or someone else going, they give two. ITS CALL COURTESY AND RESPECT!!!
I guess it wrong to give to 2-lane courtesy to? Lol!
I have no problem with giving you two lane courtesy if you aren't spending 20 seconds on the approach itself  (I personally don't need two lanes, but so many people expect it nowadays that I try to give it whenever possible)


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2008, 05:44:31 PM »
 I don't normally get into these debates,but in this case I don't care whether it's a league night,regional or otherwise.One lane is more than enough.
 If you can't concentrate enough on your shot and let someone get into your head when they're two lanes away,you might need to work on your mental game some more.I do mean that respectfully,but truthfully.
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2008, 06:16:36 PM »
"Pick the ball up and f'ing GO!"  <- That's the greatest way to bowl..

I see you'll never bowl a Regional a day in your life. Try jumping someone there and see how big of a fine you get.

No one was talking about Regionals, AND that still does not make it right,


I still bowl junior tournaments and a ton of us give 2 lanes.. and we all respect eachother doing so.. and we all know who gives the 2 and who doesn't. Hel1, there are some kids who only normally give one, but when they see me or someone else going, they give two. ITS CALL COURTESY AND RESPECT!!!
I guess it wrong to give to 2-lane courtesy to? Lol!
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09

Respect is given until it is un-earned. Standing up there for 20 seconds very quickly "un-earns" that respect.

I gave it, courtesy, to an old man, abpout 90 years old, standing there, trying to find his finger holes, while standing up on the approach at the first set of dots. It took him 10-15 seconds to do that before he went. To you, a teenager, I would not extend the same courtesy; you are supposed to know "the rules of the road".

Sorry; but that's life.

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Edited on 4/11/2008 6:18 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."