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Author Topic: why are you a prick when you bowl...  (Read 8043 times)


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why are you a prick when you bowl...
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:02:29 AM »
I think we all have things we do on and around the lanes that makes up pricks in someone elses eyes what is your thing?

for me I get bad rap because I tell it like it is when someone is acting like they are the best thing in bowling I challenge them to bowl against me and I usually win.

I used to be quite the loud bowler also but I have quited down as I have gotten older

Edited on 4/11/2008 1:36 PM
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #46 on: April 12, 2008, 02:37:23 PM »
LOL @ Dan Belcher and charlest!
I want you guys on my team
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #47 on: April 12, 2008, 03:06:36 PM »
In the March 2008 issue of Bowling This Month, there's an excellent article on Using a Quiet Eye.  It discusses visualizing your target and your ball path, and how we often don't take the time necessary to prepare for the shot.

At the risk of boring you all to death, I'll quote two segments of the article .. .

"In simple terms, a skilled athlete focuses more on their target and maintains a lock on their target for a longer period of time. ... Yet less skilled athletes do not realize that they are actually not looking at their target as long or that they are looking all around rather than on their target."

At the end of the article ...

"If you think this is a long time, then look to the bowler who was the fastest ever to 10 titles.  From the time he steps onto the approach until starting the approach, Tommy Jones takes a full 11 seconds on each shot.  This includes setup, pre-shot routine, etc.  Perhaps, you are not taking adequate time to lock your target gaze."

There is much more to the article, and every bit of it is gold.  I've been trying the visual target lock for the past few weeks since I read the article, and my accuracy has improved greatly.  It's starting to show in my scores.  At first it felt odd to take the extra time to truly focus on my target, breakpoint, and back to target, but it's well worth it to me.  My goal is to improve my game.  This works.  Everyone else can just wait.


I guess none of you get this whole 15-20 seconds on the approach. It is not to wipe off your ball, it is not the time you are trying to figure out your line. It is a time for you to get focused and get set. I take 10-15 seconds like I said before. This is picking up my ball, stepping up, placing my feet, setting and checking my start position. I then take a few breaths to clear my head and go. Chris and I are not talking about getting set and just standing there for 15 seconds. All that does is make your hand sweat.
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Edited on 4/12/2008 3:07 PM


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2008, 01:52:03 AM »
I would have to see "15-20" seconds in action before I said it was too much or too little time. I'm one of the fastest bowlers you'll ever meet, and as I sit here at the computer trying to count in my head how fast I really am, I still think it's around 10 seconds. Not a lot of difference between 10 and 15.

Now I've been on leagues before with people who would wait 30 seconds. I've got two of them on my league now and they're on the same team. By luck of the league draw, we've been on an adjacent pair to them probably 12-15 times already this year. I've just had to learn to deal with it.

There's no excuse for ever being a prick to someone, particularly not at bowling league. I have to take real care that I don't turn into a prick if I'm bowling terribly; it's the only time I run in danger of being a prick, because I'd rather at that moment try to sit silently and think my way out of it.

One other thing that has popped up in this thread: If you bowl league anywhere in the Southeast -- don't know about other areas of the country -- you will learn to bowl with one-lane courtesy or I guess you'll just go nuts. Guys who try to take two lanes quickly earn the reputation of being wannabe pros or pricks themselves. The only exception is the 10th frame of a potential 300 game.

The last time I had a real face-to-face conflict with a guy, I was giving the standard one-lane courtesy and all of a sudden, I hear a ball get slammed down into the ball return on the next pair. I went ahead and threw my shot and a guy two lanes over is glaring at me. I said nothing. After he bowled, he came over and complained to me about "everyone double-jumping him all night." I told him to check the league rules, which specified one lane. His response was "I don't care, I want two lanes." I kind of jokingly told him that I wanted a 300 game and a new Jaguar, too, but I wasn't likely to get either. My attempt at humor didn't go over very well. I finally had to tell him that I just wasn't going to give into that or else the whole league would be there for four hours every night. He still gets p.o.'ed from time to time but he deals with it.



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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2008, 07:29:53 AM »
When I'm talking about time on the approach, I am just talking about after the guy has walked up and set his feet. At that point, anyone standing there motionless for more than 5 seconds is just plain wasting time.

Jess, I think you will find that if you actually put a watch on most these guys, they are not standing there very long. 15-20 seconds is an eternity...I would check for a pulse and call 911 if needed.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2008, 07:50:00 AM »
I usually set in a seat in the pit with my head down, mean look on my face and close reach of the pistol in my bowling bag.

Lets see these 140 avg bowlers string a 4 bagger, I got something waiting for their azz...

Thats classic!  ROFLMAO
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2008, 08:07:15 AM »
Heck, 20 seconds is nothing.  When I was living in ND, we had this guy we nicknamed "The human rain delay".  We had lots of fun timing him from when he stepped on the approach.  Highest count was 52 seconds!


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2008, 08:37:01 AM »
I used to be terrible, yell and scream, flip off the pins and beat a chair, wall or trash can. Then i bowled in a high stakes league and watched the other guys act, well the good bowlers and realize i am an Pri@k.  SO i changed quited down, realize i dont always throw it great, even though it looks great. I dont hit anyhting, i might get upset at my self but i calm down fast and get back to work.  
I can be a pri@k if i dont like you, i will ignore you. I will not slap hands with you on your  wow that was garabage strike that you run around like you shot 300.
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #53 on: April 14, 2008, 09:55:42 AM »
I used to throw my brace and hit the bench I was sitting.  I still swear when I'm having a bad day but its subdued and to myself.  I'm a quiet guy in general and I don't really talk to people a lot in general (not for any reason, its just my nature) so not really talking when I'm frustrated is nothing new.  Sometimes I'll get up and throw my spare ball as hard as I can, but that's about the limit of it nowadays.

As for the jumping, I personally follow a two lane courtesy which is how I learned the game.  I'll generally figure out who I'm usually up on the approach with on either side and pick up their tendencies.  I'll test them a little too to see if they'll jump me while I'm on the approach, and if they do I'll know it for future frames.

I generally take about 5-10 seconds from the moment I set up my feet to start my approach, but I never actually stop moving as I get set because its easier to start if I still have something moving and it keeps my focus on what I'm doing and not something else that I shouldn't be focusing on.  I've found that the more time I take, the more chance there is to let something creep in that shouldn't be there.  There are people in my league who take like 15-20 seconds from the time they get their feet set to the time they start their approach.  Its annoying but you figure out their timing quickly and can adjust so that you're not sitting at the ball return going "come on, lets go, hurry up and get moving, dammit lets go!"
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #54 on: April 14, 2008, 01:20:51 PM »
For it would have to be when I shoot a decent score (in my teams eyes) I usually say oh its was okay. or I could have shot higher if I didnt screw up.

Usually these games are around 190 or 200 and its hard for me to except them as good scores when I used to average that.


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2008, 04:06:41 PM »
If you bowl league anywhere in the Southeast -- don't know about other areas of the country -- you will learn to bowl with one-lane courtesy or I guess you'll just go nuts.

That's definitely true for at least half the bowlers in the Southeast - the other half don't want to give you 1 lane courtesy.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row


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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2008, 04:13:37 PM »
I've only been called a prick once. We had a new guy in our league and he got mad and started cussing my dad who is almost deaf and couldn't here him when he asked a question. He called me a prick and other names before I escorted him out of the bowling center and into the dumpster.
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Re: why are you a prick when you bowl...
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2008, 04:19:15 PM »
I think we all have things we do on and around the lanes that makes up pricks in someone elses eyes what is your thing?

Ignoring the braggarts - I'm sure that lowers their opinion of me. Someone remind me to pay enough attention to them to find out .... then again, maybe not.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row