I'd suggest 2 other possibilities.
1. Curing, as already mentioned
2. Driller error
1. The old Columbia300 San Antonio plant being near desert conditions, seems to have had problems with the curing rate. 900Global seems to have reduced that rate greatly since they took it over after the sale of Columbia to Ebonite. It still happens ocassionally
2. Drillers still do lazy or ignorant things, like
- using too much super glue on inserts (it seems tomake the resin coverstock brittle)
- drilling with dull bits, creating too much heat, again making that area of the resin sensitive to cracking.
- not beveling all holes.
- placing the pin too close ot holes (1/2-3/4" seems to be the minimum safe distance, or putting the pin in the center of a hole also seems to be safe.). Putting the pin close to the hole is never a good idea.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."