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Author Topic: Why do people get a ball drilled.........  (Read 640 times)


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Why do people get a ball drilled.........
« on: October 11, 2004, 05:07:39 AM »
I would just like to know some of your takes on people that get a ball drilled at their home center but then say after they have it drilled that they will have to try it out in other centers to see if it works.....I mean shouldn't you be more concerned with getting it right in your own house since that is where you bowl 95% of the time......I mean other houses are different and your number 1 ball you have in your home house maybe your number 3 ball in another house.......just want to see how some of ya'll feel bout this.....



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Re: Why do people get a ball drilled.........
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 01:09:12 PM »
Depends if you are a THB <typical house bowler> or a tourney bowler.
