I have friends that all bowl on a Thursday night league, and the two teams of them happened to bowl each other last night. I'll spare you the game by game analysis, and just get to the hardcore numbers.
2 300's (two different bowlers)
2 289's (two other bowlers)
After opening with one of the 289's, my buddy that just shot 826 a couple weeks ago (different house also) finished with 268 and 266 for 823. One of the 300's went with a 780-something, the other went with a 761. Low set on the pair was 530-something, by one of the better scratch bowlers in town (must have had it ROUGH, I can't even imagine how it happened). Other than that, there were a pair of 730's (same team), and this is how one of the teams ended up.
That's almost 3600 scratch, so we're talking 3750 scratch if number 5 even shoots his average. May not impress many of you, but for all this to happen on one freakin pair is a rare thing here, not to mention the two teams were comprised of the only scratch bowlers in that league.
No, really, I like you. Now, by all means, feel free to go fornicate yourself with a sharp object.