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Author Topic: why do the pros throw so many revs....  (Read 5133 times)


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why do the pros throw so many revs....
« on: October 28, 2003, 05:01:10 AM »
well this might sound like a stupid question, but here is my point.  i thorw with a good fair amount of "hand" and my ball carries and hits exceptionally.  i throw a good shot i get ten.  thats it.  i don't have the revs they do though.  wouldn't lowering there revs help to increase there consistency, witch i understand is already phenomenal.  i guess i figure if you throw a good shot you don't need all the power in the world, and if you throw a bad shot all the power in the world is not going to keep you outta trouble.



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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2003, 08:06:57 PM »
I don't care "WHY the pro's throw so many revs, I want to know "HOW" they throw so many revs. I am a low rev bowler and can't even get a medium amount of revs on my ball, let alone a high amount of revs.

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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2003, 09:03:22 PM »
Brickguy wrote:
I don't care "WHY the pro's throw so many revs, I want to know "HOW" they throw so many revs. I am a low rev bowler and can't even get a medium amount of revs on my ball, let alone a high amount of revs.

You do not need to throw more than you have now! There is no reason in the current bowling world to throw more than medium-low revs. There are more than enough ball choices to make such a person competitive on ANY oil pattern and ANY oil amount that anyone has yet conceived.
There are more sheer oilers and types of heavy oil balls tham any other type. The smaller, controlled hook player is at a major advantage in so many ways that I can't even list them here.

The only reason to throw a lot of revs, beyond those of us who were taught to do so or can't get it thru our thick skulls how to reduce revs, is for ego.

Betweeen 320 grit sandpaper and balls like the Lane#1 Super Carbide Bomb, my 4 year old nephew can hook the oiliest lanes.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."

Edited on 10/28/2003 10:13 PM
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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2003, 09:08:03 PM »
Leftside, you are correct.  However, Scroggs gets plenty to carry.  When Scroggs is Playing "Up Two", he has unbelievable carry.

Watch Rich Lawrence and you see someone that doesn't have much hand yet he's a pretty consistent casher out there.

and if you throw a bad shot all the power in the world is not going to keep you outta trouble.
 I disagree with that statement.  Many power player can get a way with murder because of the way they toss pins around.


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 09:09:16 PM »
low rev bowlers cannot handle true gushes at all usually. Those that can, more power to them, but chunk and fluffers with no versatitily are screwed. Same can be said for higher rev players on toast.
iT's nOt tHe bALL fOo, iT's yOu!!

I think medium-low rev people, I'd guess those with 6-10 revs or thereabouts, can handle most heavy oil patterns, whenever they pop up, which is pretty rare, generally.
Prime example is Gary Dickinson from Texas; he survived and made money for years on the PBA tour.

League low revvers, the ones who really throw about 3 revs before it hits the pocket, are not the ones I was thinking about.
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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2003, 09:54:01 PM »
When I watch the young lions, it is quite evident who carries better. Some of the lions can really rev it up and as a result, get strikes that those without those revs leave spares to shoot at.

And what carries would those be? With todays balls and such, it doesn't take revs to carry the world. Most low rev bowlers (I'm talking of the 7-10 variety, those with 4 or less should find some hand lol) can carry the mixers, send messengers, trip fours, etc etc.

If you were teaching a young bowler how to bowl, would you not teach him how to rev it up?

Hmm, I dunno, I have always been taught that consistency and versatility is greater than power, and have always been told that stroking the ball and playing straight is a good thing.

Anyways, especially in todays world, strokers can carry nearly as much crap as crankers. I may not send the messengers as often, but i'd prefer the "rare but usually gets the damn corner" over the "frequent but always fly infront because it didn't have time to roll into the pin"

Edited on 10/28/2003 11:03 PM


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2003, 10:19:07 PM »
Anotherringer, I hope I did not leave the impression that one should become a flinger

Nope, you didn't.

In teaching a young bowler, one should fisrt insist on consistency and ball direction.  After they learn those basics, then is the time to teach how to rev up the ball.  I dont think you would disagree that a bowler who is consistent and accurate with more than ave revs will outscore the consistent accurate bowler with less revs.  Those extra revs will allow that bowler to carry some off pocket hits and as you know, even accurate bowlers do not hit flush with every ball.  Bones

I don't know. I mean, if it was always that way, then why did Walter Ray out do everyone last year? I think its because no matter how accurate a cranker becomes, I don't think they can ever become as accurate as Deadeye, or Earl Anthony or even Duke. Not saying that any/many will ever be that accurate, but then again it is rare to find a Cranker as accurate as half a Robert Smith, yes?

I think in the end it all evens out to an extent. The higher rev player may carry more, but he also pays a lot more for his miss.

Edited on 10/28/2003 11:27 PM


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2003, 10:35:50 PM »
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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2003, 11:06:42 PM »
walter ray is not a "cranker" but he does put alot of turn on it, the thing about him is he can adjust his hand release so well to anything, he is just awesome. and most of you are missing the fact about the "revs" getting more carry, when you have more revs you have more ball SPEED, , when you can add the combo you create alot more messenger pins, carrying high 4 pins, tripping light 7 pins, getting messengers on flat 10's. When ya take a bowler that can plays straight up and is a tweener he will get decent carry because his angle entry is good. But then take a bowler who turns it 5 times harder then him, but also throws it maybe 5 to 10 mph faster then him, he gets that same angle but with a ton of power coming, he will dominate, which is why robert is so great, but he is so accurate he can swing the ball the whole lane and hit his board every shot, the one thing that crankers really have an advantage on usually is shoot outs, strokers are usually just consistant, nothing huge though, the crankers are the ones that can runs with it, helps on sum shots, hurts on others
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence

Jerry Weller

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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2003, 11:39:50 PM »
Why do the pro's throw so many revs? Because they can?

I know of several who cut down on their rev rates as pros and started winning more - the most famous example that comes to mind being Dick Weber although I see where guys like Robert Smith are still pursuing that route.

Personally I am starting to believe the high rev game is headed the way of the dinosaur what with sport conditions and high tech bowling balls. Sure you might have to shoot a few more ten pins when you stroke, but crossing fewer boards means most of us are going to hit the pocket more often, except for a select few elite athletes with premium coordination.

The lower rev shot is easier to control and easier to get to the breakpoint. Today's bowling balls are more than capable of doing all the work and producing premium carry off the "minimum 3 units of oil" (read bone dry) that houses have to put outsides.

The crying that a few of the less skilled stroker types do about splitting boards on a league shot is nothing but pure, unadulterated bs. They may not have the area that crankers do, but they have plenty if they have any inkling of how to change ball speed. I've been in plenty of houses where the strokers strike if they got their ball anywhere between the 7 and 11 boards. How hard is that considering you do absolutely nothing to the ball?

I'm tired of fighting the manufacturers and the houses, I'm going to learn to fudge the damn ball.

Magic Carpet

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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2003, 11:45:28 PM »
Belive it or not most of the bowlers don't really try and put the revs on the ball they just have an efficient release. If you don't squeeze the ball and your grip is set up right and your backswing is over your head you will rev the ball too. I show on my web site step by step how they do it in the article "The bowlers Release". There are guys like Smith that do put a big effort into the revs by cocking his wrist more just before the release. But Barnes for example mostly just has an efficient release.
I have said many times that if you are putting a lot of effort into reving the ball then stop doing it because you are not doing it right and you are only hurting your game.
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Ron Clifton


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2003, 11:57:06 PM »
AnotherRinger---Where do you get the notion that Dead Eye, Anthony and Duke dont get more than ave revs?   You introduce the word cranker and while crankers bend the ball and do get revs, there are many strokers who get more than ave revs without going coast to coast.  Bones

Walter gets (According to Kegel) about 270. If thats more than ave., than my idea of average is off.

Wait, actually that wouldn't be a bad thing, 'cause then I can tell people I throw more than average as well, heehee

Edited on 10/29/2003 1:07 AM


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2003, 03:01:34 AM »
Revs have very little to do with how good a bowler you are, there are so many bowling ball out there that will hook no matter what lane conditions you bowl on, what does matter is that you put the ball in the same spot everytime and do the samething everytime you bowl, eg; put the ball on your target...

- 01kay


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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2003, 05:46:44 AM »
Charlest - dont even get me started on 3 revvers. I just like to call them 5 pin or 8-10. LOL
iT's nOt tHe bALL fOo, iT's yOu!!

I try not to think of them nor to watch them.
I had to bowl with one Monday night. OMIGAWD. ABout 2 weeks ago, we went from DRY!!! to medium-light oil. So he went from a Labyrinth to an original Proactive Quantum (A green one, I think.). He got all of 4 1/2 revs, threw it slow and had 15-18 boards to hit and hit them all!
I went from a Barrage to a old polished Bolt Pro with the pin above the ring finger and I don't have your revs.

Barf, puke, sputter ....
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Re: why do the pros throw so many revs....
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2003, 05:50:08 AM »
I second the always insightful comments by Mr. MAgic Carpet.

If you are trying to put revs on the ball, you are screwing yourself up.

If you are throwing what is natural for you.  Then you can be consistent and win.

Two comments on low and high rev players.

Mike Scroggins.  Didn't he have the all time record for league average for a season until Jeff Carter set in up in the 260s.  I think in the 258 range???
Or was that his brother?

Also I've had the pleasure of bowling with the Monster Man.  The verified certified highest REV player in the game.  Jimmy Keeth.  He has been tested at the Kegel Training center at something over 700 revs!

Most of the time he bowls at over 600 to 650 revs when playing for score with an average strike ball speed of about 20 mph. It is compact and looks like no effort for him.

By my standard he is very accurate and hits the pocket a ton.

He does not own carry.  He owns light(pins fly everywhere), but not flush or high!

I bowled with many other players who got more action when flush or high.

Other bowlers good carry compared to his when flush or high drives him absolutely insane!

Be careful what you wish for!



Edited on 10/29/2003 1:12 PM
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