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Author Topic: Why do you bowl..?  (Read 6548 times)


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Why do you bowl..?
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:40:22 PM »
After reading about high rev's vs low revs, I've concluded it depends on why you bowl.

Do you bowl for fun..? Or, do you bowl just to win..? Meaning, you'll do anything to win. Do you only have fun when you win..? Or, can you have fun without winning..?

Personally, I bowl to entertain myself, as well as others. Yes, I also want to win, but if I don't, I can still have fun.

Today, I don't see many bowlers having fun unless they win, which is why they'll do anything to win.

So, getting back to high rev vs low rev bowlers, I feel the high rev players have more fun, because they are entertaining people.

Low rev players are only out to win. Because, it can't be entertaining for them to watch their ball hit the pocket like fluff-r-nutter.

Bowling is supposed to be fun. And you better have fun without winning. Because if you only have fun when you win, you won't be having fun very often..!!

So, all you low rev players, start working on your game to get more rev's and have MORE FUN..!! =:^D


10 In The Pit

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Re: Why do you bowl..?
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2003, 03:35:04 AM »
Strike300, I can identify with what you're saying.  It seems like everyone else makes shooting an honor score look easy, yet it is difficult for me to muster one up.  Yes, something is strange with this picture.


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Re: Why do you bowl..?
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2003, 09:37:28 AM »
I bowl because I can't sing or dance.  And I'm in the same boat as Strike 300 and 10 in the Pit.  With all this fancy technology, everyone is racking up honor scores and inflated averages, yet I continue to average in the low 200's.  Which is fine, but I was already doing that with a Urethane Columbia 300 Vector II.  Then, about 3 years ago I was duped into believing I needed these muscle balls to compete.  So 3 years and $1200 later, I'm now the proud owner of 6 bowling balls and no improvement.

The sad part is I shot 290 and 814 in 1983 with a Wayne Webb Gyro I in an unsanctioned tournament and a 787 in 1991 with a Black U-Dot...and to date with the monster balls, my high series is 747.  You used to be able to find a line, execute the shot and move maybe a board or two over the course of the night.  Now it's strike, strike, strike, Greek Church move left...strike, strike, Greek Church move left.  This is obviously exagerated, but if I start standing 30, by the end of the 2nd game I'm usually around 35 and still running the ball through the nose.  And I by no means would ever be mistaken for a cranker.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, and I'm not even sure of the original topic, but today, the game is dominated by "dump and runners" throwing sponges or guys who tear the lifts out of the ball and have 8 boards to play with because they spray pins all over the deck.

OK, I'm done.  Thanks for reading and a Happy Father's Day to all.


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Re: Why do you bowl..?
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2003, 10:59:40 AM »
I've loved bowling since the first ball I threw at age 7.  When I was 10 or 11, my father wanted to take me to a baseball game for my birthday, and I told him I'd rather go bowling with him.

When I was a kid, it was all about the competition.  I still like to compete, but nowadays it's more about that feeling of making a really good shot, with a fully-extended arm and that Bill Taylor "heavy fingers" feeling at the bottom of the swing as you're about to roll the ball off your hand and into the lane.

If you don't know what I mean, watch Kelly Kulick's delivery.  Poetry in motion, my friends.  Now if only I had her talent...
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Why do you bowl..?
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2003, 11:01:43 AM »
LT, where is the game of bowling headed..? Who's in charge of it..? The game just keeps changing and changing, with no direction and/or decisions. That's why bowling isn't condidered a sport.

Styles, balls, and lane conditions never stay the same long enough for bowlers to dominate and become stars. Something is wrong when there's a different group of bowlers at the top every 2-3 years.

Someone has to make a stand and decide where the game is headed. So, that's what Ive done. Bowling needs a leader. Who do we have now..? Kegel..?..!! One minute sport condition, the next minute $1,000,000 for breaking 4000. Give me a break. That's the problem..!! No direction/leadership.

Joegunn, I'm with you. =:^D


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Re: Why do you bowl..?
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2003, 05:09:02 PM »
Being vertically challenged my sport options are extremely limited.   Bowling is the only sport I could be competitive at.

Now, after almost 50 years at the game, I bowl simply because you never know when the magic will hit and you lite up the lanes.

Bowlers are also a different breed of people.  I spent 22 years in the military and found no matter where I was stationed, all it took to make new friends was to grab my ball, hit the local center and ask people if I could practice with them.  Try doing that at a softball or football game.

Bowling, win/lose/draw, you can still enjoy yourself.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones