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Author Topic: why dont people understand?  (Read 1454 times)


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why dont people understand?
« on: June 20, 2008, 07:54:09 AM »
that when you buy a ball that is a true hook monster like say LevRG, Epic Quest/Battle, Mammouth and so on you need OIL!!! Just because the ball is supposed to hook doesn't mean it will hook on dry pavement! I don't understand why this concept is so hard, Oil ball is meant for OIL!
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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 04:02:13 PM »
As long as YOU understand, why do you care whether anyone else does?


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 04:50:21 PM »
Actully "oil" balls work great for dry lanes if you take all the hand out. I love using my No Mercy on fried lanes. Just stand right and throw it hard down and in with no hand.


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2008, 06:17:53 PM »
that when you buy a ball that is a true hook monster like say LevRG, Epic Quest/Battle, Mammouth and so on you need OIL!!! Just because the ball is supposed to hook doesn't mean it will hook on dry pavement! I don't understand why this concept is so hard, Oil ball is meant for OIL!

They don't "see" oil ball they are told it is a "big hooker" by people still living in the stone age. There are also those who will never learn. Take your pick of reasons.
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Edited on 6/20/2008 8:12 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2008, 07:53:37 PM »
As I posted on the Track board...

No one ever accused bowlers of being smart...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2008, 11:11:07 AM »
Most of the bowlers around here see a few rings around the ball and think they need their strongest covered ball. Then when it barely moves, they can't seem to figure it out. The difference between "burn up" and no friction due to oil is completely invisible to them.


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2008, 01:55:33 PM »
Some low-rev players can benefit from a more aggressive ball.
There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.

Dan Belcher

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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 01:58:45 PM »
To understand the concept that aggressive balls need oil, bowlers would have to understand the basics of ball reaction.  However, very very few bowlers know anything at all about ball reaction.  They just know where they normally stand and where they normally target, and that they want to hook the ball as much as possible.  They don't realize you need to retain energy for the backend, they don't understand ball drilling or surface changes or different hand positions.  It's not common sense really if you don't have someone teach you the basics.


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2008, 07:30:14 AM »
Some low-rev players can benefit from a more aggressive ball.
There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.

But they better spend the money on a coach instaed of the next hook-in-the-box-orb. I know these "cases", and might cry when I see bowlers toss (not "play") their high end ball on 30' patterns more or less straight and with low, spinning revs down the lane. Sure, they score. But they would never need such an expensive piece (rubber would suffice...), and with a proper release the could actually hook an entry level ball. But, no, no change of habits please, and the myth that expensive balls MUST score high, whatever you do with and to them.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Mike Austin

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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2008, 12:12:57 AM »
To understand the concept that aggressive balls need oil, bowlers would have to understand the basics of ball reaction.  However, very very few bowlers know anything at all about ball reaction.  They just know where they normally stand and where they normally target, and that they want to hook the ball as much as possible.  They don't realize you need to retain energy for the backend, they don't understand ball drilling or surface changes or different hand positions.  It's not common sense really if you don't have someone teach you the basics.

This is just one of the topics that your pro shop operator should cover when selling a bowling ball.  One of the things that justifies some of the mark up on the retail price.  I talked many customers out of the oil monster when I knew they bowled on scorch.  Lost some sales too.  Some people just don't understand.

I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:

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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2008, 12:29:15 AM »
there's an old saying in the business world:

"caveat emptor"

in latin this means, "let the buyer beware"

truer words were never spoken.......

Dan Belcher

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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2008, 07:03:40 AM »
To understand the concept that aggressive balls need oil, bowlers would have to understand the basics of ball reaction.  However, very very few bowlers know anything at all about ball reaction.  They just know where they normally stand and where they normally target, and that they want to hook the ball as much as possible.  They don't realize you need to retain energy for the backend, they don't understand ball drilling or surface changes or different hand positions.  It's not common sense really if you don't have someone teach you the basics.

This is just one of the topics that your pro shop operator should cover when selling a bowling ball.  One of the things that justifies some of the mark up on the retail price.  I talked many customers out of the oil monster when I knew they bowled on scorch.  Lost some sales too.  Some people just don't understand.

I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:

Check out Tony's Journals - they are FREE!!

You're assuming the customer will actually listen to the pro shop operator.  I've seen entirely too many times where a customer refuses to accept whatever the ball driller tries to tell him about selecting a ball and just picks a super strong ball and tells him to drill it to "go long and hook a ton."  The ball driller will explain why you want a less aggressive ball on drier lanes.  The customer will ignore it and say "go ahead and give me this super duper aggressive ball instead."  It's a shame bowlers are so stubborn.  


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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2008, 07:23:37 AM »
the other thing is desirousness...

The bigger the NAME... the bigger the hook... the bigger the score... the bigger the "OH!" ... the bigger the jealous looks of the other.

All companies play that game and people fall for it.

I admit I play that game ,too But I know which ball to use an what condition

and seeing a NoMercy as well as a tropical and my H2O score on the very same lane simply tells me the THS-syndrom is out there.... there is a line for every ball and every style... you just need to find it.

Another thing my driller always say:
"they want a stronger ball and when it flies off on the backend the make their release weaker playing the very same line they played with their weaker ball..."

This is another thing I just don't understand.
You get a new ball... another ball for another condition and then get it drilled so that it does what your "old" ball does... or play it on the same line changing your release so it does what your old did?

Just yesterday I tried to talk my friend to stop using his BWP on this slick oily lanes as it responded to friction like crazy but skidded through 2 boards missing the target.
He should have used a weaker drilled solid like my other teammembers did and that worked.

SO: it is not only a phenomenon wil "OILERS" but also with "I want backend hook'a'crazy and nothing else... I am a manly man!"

Three of used played down and in with smooth equipment... and he plays his BWP agains the lanes wondering why he either got a washout leaving the 1-pin or shooting the nose...

Sebastian Koch
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Re: why dont people understand?
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2008, 07:41:04 AM »

SO: it is not only a phenomenon wil "OILERS" but also with "I want backend hook'a'crazy and nothing else... I am a manly man!"

Ha ha, so true. There seems to be a similarity in men's behavior concerning cars, wrist watches and bowling balls (or the hook it promises). The bigger, the better. Ego thing, and probably widely spread
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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