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Author Topic: Why Have Rules?  (Read 1109 times)


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Why Have Rules?
« on: February 20, 2004, 12:01:34 AM »
Why should we bother with having rules in our sport?  It seems that anytime a rules questions comes up the general attitude is "Don't call someone on a rule because the league will make fun of you, nobody will like you, ...".  So, if everyone is going to be afraid to enforce the rules for fear of being ostracized, why have rules at all?
Regards, ClutchClay



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Re: Why Have Rules?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2004, 03:43:09 PM »
The feeling I've gotten whenever I posed a question to the ABC Rules Committee is that the rules ARE intentionally vague to allow broad interpretation.  It would be difficult to explicitly address every specific rules infraction and their variations.

In ClutchClay's case with the denatured alcohol user, the rules do cover the situation - it's not a legal cleaner.  And it's up to the bowler to be aware of the rules, or at least consult with someone more familiar with the rules (or better yet, look at the rule book itself!) in order to obtain a judgement.  But as Ragnar implied, do it quickly.  IIRC, you have 15 days in order to file a protest.  Personally, I wouldn't file...but not because of the fear of being ostracized.  After the fact, it would be very difficult if not impossible to prove that the person in question used an illegal cleaner that night.  So there probably is little to gain in filing a formal protest.  Now, however, I would make sure that the entire league was aware of what the legal and illegal ball cleaners and polishes are and when they can and cannot be used.


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Re: Why Have Rules?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2004, 03:51:52 PM »
I have decided to give the information to my team captain and let him decide.  But, I will definitely be carrying the rules and list of cleaners with me at all times from now on.

Thanks to everyone who gave their input.
Regards, ClutchClay


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Re: Why Have Rules?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2004, 07:44:21 PM »
We have had issues of ABC Rules come up a couple of times this season- mostly over people fouling without the foul lights coming up. If a member of the other team you are bowling against spots it, it should be called. There have been times where the two teams debate this point loudly to the extreme where it effects other teams surrounding them.

But I agree that most people live in fear of calling others on the rules as it may make them seem petty...
