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Author Topic: Why is it evil...  (Read 4332 times)


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Why is it evil...
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:28:13 AM »
To wanna bowl and win and in bowling? I am wonderiing why guys that wanna be serious about bowling are treated like crap. I got called a retard by a waitress cause I was irritated that I missed a cut by a point. She also went to scream at my friends and I cause because oh my god we want to win and we are stupid cause we wanna win. And we are not supposd to wanna win we are supposed to just wanna bowl.

I don't know about you but the 'I just wanna bowl attitude' went out when I started taking the Sport seriously when I was in High School. I have fought to be better and win in this all my life and I am put down for it by those that don't understand it, that tell me it is just stupid and why do you bother to try? I try cause I wanna be the best sorry that is how I am.

I have also sat and watched as guys have been jeered out of leagues cause they wanna win. I have watched as the better bowlers quit because no one will talk to them because they are good. I have heard people call a guy a prick because he doesnt talk to many people just goes and bowls and wins.

Why is it that the better bolwers are expected never to put down a bowler that averages 150 when the 150 average is free to rip the snot out of anyone averaging over 220? Why is it that better bowlers get craped on by the ones that are not as good? Is it really that hard to understand people that have the will desire and efort to win not just bowl for the sake of bowling?

Not trying to sound elitist here. I have wanted to be a great bowler as long as I can remeber now myself and others that I am friends with are cut down and made fun of casue we wanna win not just bowl. I understand not everyone has that attitude or commitment to it, but why don't they respect those who do?
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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 05:57:15 PM »
Part of it is jealousy pure and simple.  But I think in this day and age, so few people truely work hard at anything they don't have to (like a job) just for the satisfaction of being accomplished at it.  There's so many people that just don't try hard at anything unless forced.  And when they see accomplished people they are intimidated, maybe even a bit embarassed deep down that they obviously do not try as hard as you do.  They lash out.  I've been told to 1. not join a ladies scratch league because I averaged too high 2. that my team shouldn't be in the mixed handicap league because "we're pros" (which is a huge overstatement since none of us are over 210). I've been called mean because I didn't want small children running in and out of my sette area while practicing.  

Most people that are bowling, do not understand the desire to be an accomplished bowler.  It all comes back to that sport vs recreation thing.  Some of us treat it as sport and competition and other just as recreation and socialization opportunity. Most I think are kind of in between that. Leagues have almost solely become a mish mash of bowlers with skills from beginner to semi pro is because the managers and proprietor wants a full center no matter the mix.



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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2009, 07:08:41 PM »
Ridiculous! Bowlers looking to get in leagues look at the rules and the entering average requirements and know if it is a league for them.

I say "Ridiculous" back.  Not true in our association.  Of the 200+ leauges, about 15 are scratch leagues.  Which means that all the others are a mish mash of bowlers with various skill levels.  Some are Seniors only some are Ladies only and a couple are Men only. Most are mixed handicap.  But very rarely in a handicapped league do you see an average requirement (in fact I have never seen an average requirement to join) or team cap.  Most bowlers, especially beginning bowlers look at what day is available and what time slot and join the league.  I have NEVER seen a center provide rules to prospective bowlers for anticipated leagues.  SO NO bowler has the set of rules prior to showing up at the league meeting unless they were previous league members of that league.  A sorry fact is that many leagues do not have rules ready to hand out and vote on changes at the league meeting.  They might have one copy, but not enough for every bowler (as they should).  And what percentage would you guess of the bowlers in the leagues you have participated in, have attended the beginning season league meeting?  Don't tell me 100%.  Don't even tell me 75%, or 60%.  



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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2009, 07:13:18 PM »
If it is a sport for you and you play to win you also have to have sportsmanship.

That goes for anyone, or any average. I know some donkeys that average decent that are out right c$%k-s$%#ers when they don't bowl good or great or someone doesn't give them two lanes courtesy or any other reason they come up with for why they didn't strike, spare, or part the red sea.

If your good or great you shouldn't focus on anything but your lanes and your shot only. If that is a problem practice next to non-bowlers and learn how to. It will make you better.(think Tiger Woods)

I bowl with a guy, that I currently work with, who bowls one day a week and averages 220+ for as long as I've known him and doesn't act anything like other less average primadonnas that bowl twice as much. He shows up to bowl and wants to win and also has a good time. He has sportsmanship, even if he bowls bad.

I've bowled my best season this year because I tried to take things a little less serious and not get as mad when I don't throw the ball as good I think I should and ect ect and it paid off. You can be competitive but you don't have to be a D@#%.

Ask your self this, what would Earl Anthony or Walter Ray do?  It's that simple.

Great post, not saying this is anyone on here, just giving examples of what I've experienced.

" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 7/13/2009 8:32 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 10:07:27 PM »
Ridiculous! Bowlers looking to get in leagues look at the rules and the entering average requirements and know if it is a league for them.

I say "Ridiculous" back.  Not true in our association.  Of the 200+ leauges, about 15 are scratch leagues.  Which means that all the others are a mish mash of bowlers with various skill levels.  Some are Seniors only some are Ladies only and a couple are Men only. Most are mixed handicap.  But very rarely in a handicapped league do you see an average requirement (in fact I have never seen an average requirement to join) or team cap.  Most bowlers, especially beginning bowlers look at what day is available and what time slot and join the league.  I have NEVER seen a center provide rules to prospective bowlers for anticipated leagues.  SO NO bowler has the set of rules prior to showing up at the league meeting unless they were previous league members of that league.  A sorry fact is that many leagues do not have rules ready to hand out and vote on changes at the league meeting.  They might have one copy, but not enough for every bowler (as they should).  And what percentage would you guess of the bowlers in the leagues you have participated in, have attended the beginning season league meeting?  Don't tell me 100%.  Don't even tell me 75%, or 60%.  


Erin is right, and it also has applied in my situation for the last five years.

After I got married and took my last job, I had one night a week to bowl league and wanted to bowl with my wife. That locked me into Tuesday nights at my center, and put me in a 24-team mixed handicap league where I was one of the top 5-8 averages.

Fast forward to this summer, and my wife takes it off so I switch to a draft scratch league. I went from being one of the top five bowlers in the house to either the highest average leadoff or lowest average middle bowler (the lineup automatically rotates due to average that week). So I went from being top 5 to bottom 13.

Convenience and circumstances determine my league choices, not anything else. Hopefully I will have time to add a second league this fall and will be able to continue to bowl a late-shift scratch league. But if I'm not, I'll be back to the Tuesday night handicap league with my wife.



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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2009, 10:11:41 PM »
I broke the fits in public thing years ago stopped hitting stuff etc etc I am a good sport I just go and sit somewhere by myself for a bit and chill then I am cool again. Someone puts a good game/set up around me I give him a good job. I am by NO means PBA Material I will admit that no question.

I just think it is unfair to the people that are serious that put in the time to become better then are treated like junk.

Harry No disrespect taken at all I put up my thoughts and you responded with a very good point, it goes both ways you are very correct.

Thx for no one taking my head off needed to get that out

''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

Progressive Metal Band


Edited on 7/12/2009 10:12 PM
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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2009, 10:30:52 PM »
You are in a bowling twilight zone. lol

Just win and enjoy it.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 7/13/2009 5:56 PM

Edited on 7/14/2009 5:56 AM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2009, 10:40:55 PM »

  Looks like it's just you and me.  People around here have lost any respect they once might've had for the accomplished bowler who wants to win and is disappointed openly about it when he doesn't.

  I've had people come up to me and tell me to "chill out, it's only bowling", and to a point they are right. Even though I am not "ranting", they can tell I'm aggravated by losing, and can't seem to unbderstand why.  Thing is, the people telling me this are 150 average bowlers who bowl one night a week, and have no clue what it takes to actually BE good. I have to remember that, to THEM, it IS "only bowling", even if its not to me.

  Be serious about your bowling. Be as good as you can, and win at every opportunity you can, then, if they don't "get it", that's their problem, not yours.
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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2009, 07:07:28 AM »
Harry, Juggs,Erin thanks!
''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

Progressive Metal Band


Edited on 7/13/2009 7:07 AM
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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2009, 10:54:31 AM »
Leagues have almost solely become a mish mash of bowlers with skills from beginner to semi pro is because the managers and proprietor wants a full center no matter the mix

Ridiculous!  Bowlers looking to get in leagues look at the rules and the entering average requirements and know if it is a league for them.

We got a kinder, gentler machine-gun hand!

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are you kidding.. most casual league bowlers now adays don't even know there are rules.  And if you try to point out the rules you are looked at like Mainzer has described.
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2009, 11:10:40 AM »
How did you manage to lose?  I thought in today's society, everybody was always a winner? Didn't you get the same "I participated" trophy everybody else got?


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2009, 11:19:06 AM »
It is ashamed this guy acts this way. I bowled a short season PBA X league in the fall two years ago and tried to treat everyone as I would like to be treated. I am no star in the game, but it was obvious after a couple of weeks that I was more experienced in this environment than they were.

I looked at as it was a chance to bowl on something hard. It was very easy to miss a couple of spares or start slow and get beat because of it being hard. I also looked at it as a chance to make some contacts for our store and coaching group. Plus I have some casual friends from the center in the league and that made it fun for me. The best was helping a couple of the kids who were watching there parents bowl on the lanes after the league was over with. I have firneds for life with those kids.

What was cool was I tried the TQR here in town and some of the league members were back there wishing me good luck and giving me high fives for the few times I did well. I didn't feel so alone out there that day because of that.

With all due respect to you Mainzer, but the PBA member in my summer Kegel Sport Scratch League treats everyone like crap and the whole league hates him.

He has bowled a few Regional's and is bowling the WSOB but he treats everyone like garbage. He has won some money, but he will never earn an exemption at 38-39 years of age. When he bowls local scratch tournaments, he acts like its the US Open.

A few weeks ago a man in his 60's bowled his first ever 300 game in a Sunday afternoon mixed league. This PBA member happened to be in the league and he WAS THE ONLY ONE who did not say anything to this man. Not one word of congratulations. When he bowled one the next week he was surprised when no one said a word to him.

"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2009, 11:19:12 AM »
I don't care what type of bowler you are (Casual, Social, Only there to have fun). Deep down every league bowler wants to win. I have watched many bowlers in my league get all hyped up when they are laying the smack down on higher average teams or when they are bowling better against someone with a higher average.

It was last week of bowling in our league. The other team had a sub (A very good bowler)...everytime he struck, a lady on his team would pump her fist in a competitive manner and yell "YES!". Don't get me wrong, I see no problem in this whats so ever, but she also someone who usually states she is there, she is there to have fun (Well I guess she has more fun when her team is winning).

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2009, 11:39:09 AM »
EVIL? REALLY? Has anyone actually used this word when talking about you and bowling, or are you using it to project some sort of martyr complex?


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Re: Why is it evil...
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2009, 11:40:38 AM »
I think there is a little more to the story.

The waitress just saw that you were irritated then called you a retard and proceeded to yell at you and your friends for how serious you take bowling?

If that is how it happened I would be shocked.

Are you sure you weren't irritated and inadvertantly took it out on the waitress?