Looks like it's just you and me. People around here have lost any respect they once might've had for the accomplished bowler who wants to win and is disappointed openly about it when he doesn't.
I've had people come up to me and tell me to "chill out, it's only bowling", and to a point they are right. Even though I am not "ranting", they can tell I'm aggravated by losing, and can't seem to unbderstand why. Thing is, the people telling me this are 150 average bowlers who bowl one night a week, and have no clue what it takes to actually BE good. I have to remember that, to THEM, it IS "only bowling", even if its not to me.
Be serious about your bowling. Be as good as you can, and win at every opportunity you can, then, if they don't "get it", that's their problem, not yours.
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein