Apparently people don't realize they have to give notice to the league about there withdrawal, so they can pull there card. It happened twice in our league this year, one a whole team, and the other an individual. The individual was on my team.
The individual story was that we made an agreement on the first night of bowling that this person was to bowl every other week and a different person was supposed to sit out each time. It was well organized even though it may not sound like it. Well, the 3rd week he is supposed to bowl comes around and he is a no call, no show. So, we called him and texted, he said I can no longer show till the first week of November. Which was fine, but in the mean time, we had to scramble to make sure the people that were not supposed to bowl the weeks he was there could bowl and if not, we had to find subs. Well, in the meantime, one of guys goes down for the year with a serious back injury. So, now we are really hurting, we went 3 weeks with only 3 of us regulars showing each week. So, we finally got our 4th back and we asked one of our subs to bowl full time, and thankfully he agreed. Then comes the first week of November and we ask him if he going to show up the week before this. He doesn't respond till 4pm of the day of bowling saying no. So, my team calls our subs and noone can show. Oh well, but he still owes us 32 bucks, for 2 times that he was a no show, no call. So, we have to pony up the bucks for now, but we told him we want the money, It has been 2 weeks since the incident and he still hasn't given us the money. So, last week we decided to call him and tell him not to show up anymore, but still come and give us the money. We will see, but he still hasn't called the league to tell him that he is done.
The team story was that one whole team stopped showing up and never let anyone know. Kind of funny, actually.
If you are not using Storm, go kick yourself hard!!!