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Author Topic: Why is this??  (Read 683 times)


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Why is this??
« on: September 18, 2004, 02:00:13 AM »
It always seems that when I have a bad night bowling, I bowl some practice games afterward, I figure out changes I could have made, and bowl high games. Now, I've only been bowling for two years, but it's hard to make alot of changes during league, I know what to do most of the time, but I don't want to take a chance on wasting my score and losing games by the changes not working.

I have a 146 average in our mixed league. Granted, I bowl over that most of the time 176-161-156 last night, but I just have in my mind I want to be 170's most of the time. Kids league bowls right before us on Fridays. The lanes are so burnt my our second game, sometimes the first, you can't hardly keep a ball on 'em. So last night during my after-bowling practice, I made some changes. I started throwing my ball down the lane further, with a little more speed, and hit the pocket, my mark, everything I wanted to do and averaged 180. Plus, that was on top of about 6 or 8 beers by then (missed some spares!)

Just wondered who else does this, practice great, after it's too late! Just a little rant.
Spare now, strike later!!..

Edited on 9/18/2004 10:22 AM



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Re: Why is this??
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2004, 05:29:10 PM »
Thanks Bones, that's what I needed to hear. I just try to push through the game to fight for a win, instead of making big changes. Coming into league this Tuesday, my mind set will be different. Make changes when needed, and not be afraid of the outcome, good or bad. That's the only way to get better!
Spare now, strike later!!..