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Author Topic: Why pay to see the PBA?  (Read 2614 times)


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Why pay to see the PBA?
« on: November 08, 2004, 03:52:22 AM »
Why do you go watch a PBA tour event either in person or on TV?

I can go to several different centers around here on any night of the week and see bowlers throwing powerful balls and shredding racks.

I can see stylist throwing smooth powerful shots.

I can see crankers getting a ton of revs.

I could be virtually guaranteed to see an honor (or more than one) score shot.

I can go into the center where they will be playing in a couple of weeks.

I can bowl on the same lane beds they will be bowling on.

Why would  you pay to see the same thing?




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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2004, 12:19:57 PM »
the pba will be 40 minutes from me this week. i plan on going thursday, so i will give everyone a report when i get home. to bad i have to go back to work friday night! I'm just sorry to see that they are bowling in such a shiznit house!!!!!!

AKA "the MOD SQUAD" Moderator

Edited on 11/8/2004 2:19 PM


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2004, 12:47:51 PM »
Aw come on Sawbones, any area of note has at least one slinger who on a house shot can shred racks with the best of them now days.

I would even think that The Hose has sent many a messenger in his days. To the untrained eye he probably looks as good as Eric Forkel, Rick Lawerence, or maybe even Patrick Allen.

My point is with the proliferation of house shots and strong balls there is nothing unique about watching a PBA event that can’t be seen at your local center. And that is why it is such a tough sell.

Sure they are not bowling on the same lane condition but that is invisible to the spectator. For all we know it could be a house shot. You and I know the shot is tougher but I would guess 90% of the bowlers don’t understand it and virtually 100% of the non-bowlers don’t understand it.


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2004, 01:06:26 PM »
Uh, I don't pay to watch the PBA on TV.

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The Hose

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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2004, 01:28:18 PM »
I would even think that The Hose has sent many a messenger in his days. To the untrained eye he probably looks as good as Eric Forkel, Rick Lawerence,

Now that hurts   I'm a Manly Man and look nothing like those Fluffers
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2004, 02:14:26 PM »
There isn't anyone on the PBA that can do something that I can't. Bagger, do you have a PBA title?

I pay to see the PBA because I love to see the top athletes in any sport perform.  I also go to see some of my friends and also childhood heroes.  I will always love to see Amletto and Pete Weber bowl.

Anthony Chapman


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2004, 07:29:07 PM »
I agree Pinbuster

I have no desire to watch these guys in person because I was one of them.  I watch the tour on TV when I'm surfing or a friend has made the show.  Watching bowling is right up there with womens basketball, darts, and watching paint dry.

I've been to Augusta for the Masters the past 9 or 10 years and will go again this year.  I've never played the course and I may never get a chance to play it.  The reason I enjoy watching golf is because those guys can do something I can't.  It's amazing to watch them on the practice tee.  Even as a scratch golfer, I can't do what they do.  I've played rounds at Pinehurst with John Daly and Paul Stankowski and it couldn't believe the way they work the ball.

There isn't anyone on the PBA that can do something that I can't.

The reason the PGA Pro's are good is because they practice constantly every single day.

You could be that good if you practiced all the time.

You sure there is no one on the PBA tour that can do something you can't?

If I recall correctly, you said that you average closer to 200 on a sport shot.

They can average 240+ on a sport shot, you don't. So they are doing something you can't.
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Rick Wunder

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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2004, 08:46:57 AM »
Uh, I don't pay to watch the PBA on TV.

Unless you are not watching the PBA on TV at all, you (or someone in your household) are paying to see it.  That is due to the fact that it is carried on ESPN, a cable/satellite only channel.

I will continue to pay to see the touring players bowl because they are good enough to do what virtually nobody else can do - make a living bowling.

The Hose

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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2004, 09:01:25 AM »
make a living bowling.

You're only watching a handful of guys then.  I've bowled with a few guys who were on tour and it's a sad thing to see them now.  One player has 2 PBA National titles, was on tour for 16 years and what does he do now?  He sprays house shoes with that goofy stuff they have at the counter for 6 bucks an hour.  He's had and lost more jobs that I couldn't even begin to name them all.  He's so broke that he owes a lot of people money, me included.  He gets in bracket and if he doesn't win, he doesn't have money to cover his loses and asked whoever won for a loan until next week.  

Is it really worth it unless you are a Weber, WRW, Mika, or a couple of others?
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2004, 09:59:18 AM »
There are several reasons.  During the Pro-Am it is like a circus. It's just fun.  We take our high school bowlers and it's a great time.  It is one of the few sports that you can actually walk among and talk with the athletes.  I believe there is a big difference between the 64 and house bowlers. I've seen some of the house bowlers averaging 240 not average 140 on a tough PBA shot. Another reason would be that I actually get to see these guys bowl.  I deal with several pros from all over the country/world and most of the time it is in a meeting room or some kind of function.  

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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2004, 10:38:06 AM »
Smash49 – It’s $10 now to watch at the PRO AMs. Don’t know how many high school kids you planned on taking but it could get expensive.

I will go and watch some of the match play when the tour stop is in town in a couple of weeks. But I still wonder why someone who is not a fan of bowling would.  


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2004, 11:02:07 AM »
Never had a chance to see a PBA event so,I'M GOING. I live in Euclid,Ohio which is two miles from the bowling center that have hosting the tournament this week. Its a madd house. Personally I don't see how you will be able to see well. They have these little bleacher seats that look very uncomfortable and are parallel to the lanes. There are not many of them. Maybe thats the way they all are, I don't know. With the vice presidential debate, p-diddy and friend get out the vote rally and now a PBA event Cleveland has had a lot of National attention lately. Its all good. The normal shot at the bowling alley SUCKS! but I know the PBA brings there own people to oil the lanes. It should be interesting.


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2004, 11:12:42 AM »

Last year we sent a dozen kids to bowl in the Pro-Am and the PBA had some kind of special arrangement for them.  Still even at $10 it's one of the least expensive sport tickets in town.  The kids had a great time.  Brad Angelo took them out in the parking lot and showed them around the truck and hung with them for quite a while.  When I was in Las Vegas I ran into him and he asked how they were.  What was really funny?  There was a bunch of them running back and forth about the center looking for Mika!  

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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2004, 11:54:39 AM »
I live 10 minutes outside of DC, so why would I pay to see Washington Wizards basketball when I can goto any playground in my area and see tons of guys and kids shooting three pointers, dunking the ball, and scoring triple doubles in a game?



If you have any respect for the sport you'd pay to watch the pros at the game.


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Re: Why pay to see the PBA?
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2004, 05:39:12 PM »
I feel what everyone is saying in regards to watching the pros. True it is nice to see someone who is marked as being the best and so forth but why pay so much to bowl with the pros and watch them especially when they are giving you a ball that most of us have, and pay a arm and a leg to watch them with a bunch of people in front of you. Hell if im going to pay 200 dollars to bowl with them they better help me clean my bowling balls off and walk me out to my car when im leaving the alley. Hell he better stand next to me and talk about improving my release while im in the bathroom. To me the cheap seats are the best seats because you are on the lane watching them verses the expensive ones on the bleachers. I belive just as the pros can throw 300s and so forth most of us out here are capable and bowl just as good as some of the guys on tour. True they do make a living bowling and we cant but I just think they charge to much to watch them. Hell there is  a guy I bowl with on one of my leagues who has shot 3 300's this year already and we still have many weeks to go. I get to watch him for free. LOL LOL. Dont get me wrong I think its exciting that my hometown gets to have them here and I will probably stop through and watch them throw a few. What they should do is give them a jacked up league shot like we get up there and see if they conquer it or complain. That is one alley that most of us have to buy a special ball to use up there.

Edited on 11/10/2004 6:42 PM