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Author Topic: Why the fuss over how many balls produced a month?  (Read 894 times)


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Why the fuss over how many balls produced a month?
« on: December 10, 2003, 02:56:11 AM »
Trying to figure out why the big stink about if a company puts out a ball a day/a week/a month or more?  Obviously there is a demand for it, or they wouldn't be doing why do people get all huffy about it?  

I like seeing all the releases as to me it gives me a greater variety of equipment to choose from.  I take a peek at the specs......get a feel for what the ball is made to do....and if it is something I need then look into getting it...if it matches something I have....well then will probably lay off of it..unless the ball it would replace isn't being used very much. Doesn't mean I go out and get every ball....... but like the option of being able to go out and get every ball...

so why the stink????  

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Re: Why the fuss over how many balls produced a month?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2003, 06:07:31 PM »
The real people its hurting are pro shops. Each pro shop has to carry a certina amoutn of each ball thats new and hot, and once you buy some new balls from a certian company, they come out with something else, then no one reeally wants those other balls you stocked up on... So its really hurting the pro shops.
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Re: Why the fuss over how many balls produced a month?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2003, 06:51:51 PM »
The fuss is over:

1) The fact that no shop can afford to carry all these balls anymore. It makes business harder for them, and it also means waiting for them to order balls they can't carry if you are a customer.

2) The fact that the bowlers themselves have a hard time keeping all this gear straight nowadays. Five years ago I could tell you what almost every ball did from the major companies, but today I'd be lucky to know half of what is out there. Options are nice, but it's also nice to look over, see what someone is throwing, and know what it is.

3) Above all, since balls are coming out so rapidly, old favorites have to be discontinued more rapidly as well. By the time you find a ball that really matches your game, it's replacement's replacement is already out.