I open bowl in a house that I find very tough. They only strip twice a week. They run the oil down to 32 feet with no buff. The volume is light except outside 5 where there appears to be no oil at all. I guess this is a form of top hat. Now they do oil every day. I do fine right before they strip because there is an oil buildup and carrydown. On those days they play spotty and wet and I usually bowl okay. When they are freshly stripped I can't keep the ball right of the headpin. My ball leaves the oil and just takes off. I can move against the ball return and I still can't keep any of my strikeballs from over reacting. I then go to an old urethane Nail that I use for spares. I've seen this ball outhooked by a white dot. If I play inside with it I can get to the pocket but I can't carry. No surprise since there is head oil. So I try to move the ball outside to the dry boards. Now even the Nail is going brooklyn. I have no idea where to play on these lanes.
The only people I have seen have success play deep inside. They never let the ball get right of ten. These bowlers usually have good speed and revs but a low track to delay the breakpoint. Others just dump the ball with little turn right of ten, but they have only limited success.
I have too much hand and a high track. My ball usually gets through the heads fine due to decent speed, but my ball often reads the midlane too soon. This pattern is hell for me.
I know the best way to attack the pattern is to cut revs or otherwise change my release. Unfortunately, I'm one dimensional. Anyone have a ball or line suggestion that would help a no-thumber like me?
Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?
Edited on 5/15/2004 8:11 PM