Hey thanks guys for the replys.
I had a shot to the hole no matter how I threw the ball.Carrying the corners was the tough part.The only way to carry was to rev the hell out of it so it would have some drive but this got very tireing.I was just wanting some opinions on something like a xxxl or any piece of equip,maybe a polishing technique so I could throw the ball more relaxed or flat and still have some drive through the hole.
Greg,Charlest I dont know if the ball is tracked up or not I havnt check it yet,but I know what your talking about if the track is burnt up on it.I have a target zone that is tracked up bad and basicly burns its self up looks like no reaction or flair.
I had the high game and we won the game I just want to be better prepaired next time exspecialy if its more than one game.This realy showed me how out of shape I am LOL and to think I turn 30 this coming sunday.
Ill check back and see what ideas yall have.Thanks
I have taught you every thing I know and you still dont know DICK.