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Author Topic: Is ANY ball worth $250 undrilled?!?  (Read 3531 times)


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Is ANY ball worth $250 undrilled?!?
« on: December 22, 2003, 08:36:12 PM »
as has been noted in another post, there was an older storm ball on ebay that went for $242 plus shipping yesterday. . . a 15lb storm thunder flash.

now, i'm not trying to get on anyone's case . . . but is there a ball that you would pay that much for?

i can't think of anything . . . unless it's an old manhattan urethane ball undrilled . . . SOLELY for sentimental reasons.

how about you?!?
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Re: Is ANY ball worth $250 undrilled?!?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2004, 09:44:04 AM »
Absolutely there are certain balls that are in the category of worth paying more as much as (if not more than) $250.  Those that are usually paying that much are going to make that back in a very short period of time.  As Bob Hylka noted in another thread, there are many occasions where older, more mellow works really well...even better than drilling the guts out of a newer ball.

Does that mean that same ball is worth $250 to every bowler?  No way.  The balls that fetch the higher amounts have characteristics not not every bowler can maximize.  But do not criticize those that feel it is a wise expenditure.  Let's face it, there are pros from both tours that have certain balls no longer in production that they try to stockpile for a reason, and they will pursue certain equipment with a vengeance.


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Re: Is ANY ball worth $250 undrilled?!?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2004, 09:44:32 AM »