I was prowling around BowlingBall.com the other night and saw a listing for this, which is not available through that site:
http://www.bowlingball.com/Bowling-Accessory-2385/robby_s_band_it_xm.html#tab2I had to go to eBay to find one, but I finally did. At the same time, I also ordered one of these:
http://cgi.ebay.com/new-Magnetic-Bracelets-for-Painful-WRISTS-FROM-BOWLING_W0QQitemZ200319103245QQcmdZViewItemQQptZBowling?hash=item200319103245&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50The second item is a magnetic bracelet. I'm not going to get into whether magnets work or don't -- I'm not even sure if they do, myself -- but here's what I did: I got one of those bracelets and took out enough links to make it feel tight on my wrist, then covered that with a standard Nike sweatband. Then I put the Robby's Band-It XM on my forearm as instructed.
Ordinarily, if I don't use a wrist brace while bowling -- and particularly if I don't warm up with a wrist brace on -- I have pain during and after bowling in the area of my ulnar nerve. Tuesday, I never had any pain whatsoever.
I don't know whether it was from the magnets, from one device or another, or just from the pressure of them being tight on my forearm/wrist. All I know is it worked, and I'll let Mythbusters or someone else work the science end of it.
I can tell you that the Band-It XM was probably the most likely factor, as the extra pressure it puts on the forearm is very noticeable and gave me a noticeably greater feeling of strength.
I did have to be careful about squeezing the ball too tightly at first. But I got over that.
I also shot 661, which is high for me, and had better ball control and accuracy than I'm accustomed to having.