As a stroker with moderate side rotation, I'm pretty used to playing this line for my B-game (My A-game is basically any line that crosses the 9th, 10th or 11th board from any angle. A pretty common line I know

Speaking from experience, this kind of shot IS effective for most conditions apart from 2 distinct ones:
- Any condition that has very short or no oil for the first 4 boards. On such conditions (usually the typical house shot), even a moderately aggressive reactive ball can be too much. Granted, you probably have 1 exact board to hit at the exact angle for the perfect rollout flush strike (miss your board and its a nose hit usually), but a 1-board area isn't exactly something you want do you?
I've tried playing with less aggressive equipment before (including urethane), but most of the time I get inconsistent results. Speed control is also very important in such cases. Personally I feel you're better off swinging it or playing other lines when you get these golden conditions...unless you're training you accuracy. A plastic ball would theoretically work too, but why handicap yourself?
- Conditions where the oil is laid out flat from gutter to gutter. You basically end up with the same problems as above PLUS carrydown and a higher chance of the ball missing right of the headpin (and leaving washouts) if you angle is off a little to the right. A flat condition is THE hardest condition I have ever bowled on period. You just can't 'cheat' at all.
Conditions where this kind of shot is 'safe' and potentially high scoring:
- Longer oil patterns.
- Broken down condition where the high-traffic parts of the lane (2nd arrow to the 4th) are spotty or have dried out.
- Certain tournament/sports/flat conditions where the oil is laid out flat EXCEPT for the first five boards, where the oil is shorter and tapered. See PBA pattern E for example. I had a field day on this condition playing a diagonal shot from the outside, pointing it towards the 6-pin and letting it dive into the pocket. Managed to hit a 750 series on this condition once

If you want a good example on how to line up your shoulders/where to stand etc. for this shot, you should take a look at Norm Duke. He plays this line pretty often...and very effectively. Trust me, once you're good at this, your friends will be chanting DUUUUUKE everytime you bowl.
Oh yeah...and did I tell you this shot is great at tripping 4-pins?
Edited on 10/23/2004 12:56 PM