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Author Topic: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions  (Read 961 times)


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Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« on: February 28, 2005, 03:28:02 PM »
Here is my issue:  I have been jonesing to bowl in a scratch league ever since I moved across the state and found that there is not one to be found within a 2 hour drive of my house.  We have a fairly large center here and two other small ones.  I primarily bowl at the larger center (32 lanes).

My first ever league was a scratch league, and I learned so much from that league and had so much fun competing with better bowlers that I want to let the competitive juices flow again outside of a once-a-month tournament for which I usually have to travel the same (minimum) 2 hours.

The problem is that the manager IMMEDIATELY gets his defenses up every time I (or anyone, for that matter) brings up the possibility of a scratch league being formed at his center.  He almost ALWAYS says, "It'll never happen.  You won't get enough people interested for me to create a time slot for it."

Other arguments include, but are not limited to, "No one wants to get their butt kicked by the 230 average bowlers," or "The only available times are too late at night for the bowlers in this house."  In fact, this is the only center in which I have bowled that did not have a SINGLE league slotted to begin at 9pm.  This center is not very old (5 years tops?) and I wonder if they have ever even TRIED slotting a league for 9pm, on ANY day of the week!

I respect that the manager has to do what he thinks is best for his customers and for his business, but to most of his excuses I say BULLSH*T.  My home center was smaller (24 lanes) and in an area with fewer people than there are here, we bowled MONDAY NIGHTS AT 9PM!  We consistently had 18 3-person teams, and this has been one of the better leagues in that house for several years now.  There are 150/160 bowlers all over the place in that league (including me in my first ever season of league bowling).  In fact, bowlers from all over the place travel to that center because they have the same problem I am currently having.  My problem now is that it is a 5 hr. drive for me, otherwise, I'd still be bowling that league due to the lack of one here.

My point is that if the league is set up with a fair system that allows every team to be competitive (i.e. team avg. cap, divisions based on team avg., head-to-head points, etc.) it will thrive and people will appreciate the opportunity to learn the game from better, more experienced bowlers, like I did.  I went from a low 160's average my first season to a 205 average my second season, in LARGE part because of the pointers the high average bowlers on my team gave me.

I am asking for suggestions from people who have spawned leagues with success or from anyone in the industry that understands the insider's point of view.  Why is this guy so adamant against even giving it a one-season trial?  I even told him I would do all the leg work and talk to every bowler individually if I had to, if even just to measure interest.  There are PLENTY of good bowlers in the area, and plenty more lower average players who would fit in nicely if there were a team avg. cap, many of whom bowl more than once a week!  If anyone has some tips on how I can be more effective in my quest for a scratch league, I'd love to hear your input!



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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2005, 12:22:21 AM »
Not sure if it will help, but one league I currently bowl started slow and in 3 years has gone from 6 teams of trios to 26 teams of trios.  It is a 9PM Scratch league.  An incentive to get new bowlers is they give a 10 pin drop off their book if they do not bowl in the house.  For example, I never bowled in this house and had a high book of 194.  My entering ave for the league was 184.  Once they bowl in the league, most stay.

I'd ask the manager to at least let you put out sign up forms and see what kind of response you get.  If no response, nothing lost.  If there is an interest, you have just brought in more business to the center at a time they probably don't have a lot going on.
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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2005, 12:39:52 AM »
Thong, thanks for the reply.  I LOVE the idea of offering book average incentives to bowlers who aren't currently in the house I am referring to.  In fact, I know many of the bowlers in the other two centers in the area who might be interested.  My thought process is much like you said- if it doesn't work it doesn't work; nothing lost by trying, especially since there are no current 9pm leagues, but plenty to gain in the form of potential business!


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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2005, 02:10:11 AM »
I know it's tough to get, but if you can find out if people would be interested in getting sponsors to throw in money per team (even if it's $100 or $200 for the season), showing the owner of the house the extra prize money incentive may be a way to get him to come around. Most owners care about the bottom line, and you have to figure out a way for it to be worth his while in lineage fees per week versus closing the house early or leaving it up to open bowling to pay his bills during that time.

I had a friend who was able to get $3,000 through sponsors and a ton of bowlers outside of the area to bowl in a scratch trios league that lasted 5 years. People enjoyed the high caliber competition and we rarely heard complaining about unfair team caps (I think we kept ours at 590-600).


Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2005, 09:57:58 AM »
For scratch leagues to work, you have to have three conditions: (1) enough "scratch" bowlers who might be interested; (2) a consistent house shot that rewards better play (i.e., doesn't give the spinner, "area" player or lefty a distinct advantage); and (3) a leader who wants to push it among the peer group.  Any one of the three missing, no league or a dying league.  I suspect that the manager doesn't want the league because his most loyal and strong league customers won't push for it.
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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2005, 10:06:25 AM »
The idea of getting sponsers is a great one, we do it.
Make money for points your big thing and then everyone comes away with something.
Youll also find that you wont get say 5 or 6 bowlers wanting to bowl with one top team as they will only get 1/6 of the prize at the end of the league.
Also if you have to, start with a scratch doubles league, then as youre bowler base widens you can go to trios.
We bowl at 9pm in a doubles and its over by 10pm so time shouldnt be an issue.
Also and this a last resort, get one of the better league to do a joint scratch/handicap system with separate leagues for both scores. Then after a season or so go around and see if bowlers feel they have improved by trying to do well in the scratch section. You could have a playoff for top team at the end.
Just a couple of ideas to put to the manager that will at least give you some scratch bowling.
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Re: Scratch League MIA- need suggestions
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2005, 11:19:50 AM »
All excellent suggestions, everyone.  BTW Sticks, the manager carries a 220 average.  I have never tried to get a league off the ground and it definitely will take some work, but I think it will be worth the effort.  All of your suggestions have been noted and I am going to try to get my foot in the door today.