Something has bothered me for quite a while and I would like to get other’s opinion to see if I am crazy or not.
My beef pertains to the payout distribution of our state USBC tournament. I am sure it is run similarly to other states with a similar distribution of bowlers across multiple divisions. My state has 5 divisions and like other states have Team, Doubles, Singles and All-Events. What I can’t understand is the practice of giving the same 1st and 2nd place prize money for all divisions regardless of the number of entries.
For example, the state pays out in roughly a 1:10 ratio. For Division 1 Team event there was a total payout of $5,605 with 1st getting $1,500 and 2nd getting $1,000. For Division 3 Team Event the total payout was $11,000 with 1st getting $1,500 and 2nd getting $1,000. That’s right, a division with half the entries of another division got the same amount of money.
Also of note, 3rd place for the same Division 3 Team event received $672 (no ties) while 3rd place for Division 4 (total payout of $9,180 - $1,820 LESS than Division 3) received $726.
This isn’t a case of money from one division being distributed to other divisions. What happens is the payout for places below the top two are SIGNIFICANTLY reduced to compensate for the bloated 1st and 2nd place prizes. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to the prize money values. The same issues are found in all of the events. Also of note is the distribution of All-Event places at what appears to be 1:10 when the rules state 1:20. But that is another story.
I understand the large prizes in the smaller divisions encourages participation perhaps, however, much like Nationals, some bowlers realize they won’t win an event, but may cash. Unfortunately that amount is smaller than what one my think it should be.
What are other opinions? Am I crazy and making an issue out of nothing? This happens year after year with no statements about the philosophy of the payout structure.