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Author Topic: Wish us luck  (Read 1552 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Wish us luck
« on: May 29, 2004, 12:12:55 AM »
I'll be bowling two squads today with pchee2 and tomorrow we have two squads team with Bracket Creep and komike.

Looks like 51 teams 1st squad and then 45 teams 2nd squad and then tomorrow its 18 teams.

I'll report later
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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2004, 03:30:26 PM »
Tell peachless that the tramp owes me a phone call...


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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2004, 08:05:12 PM »
bowling with Peachless is cheating because he is such a bagger with that buck 69 ave.

I was unaware he had improved...I thought he was still spraying the lanes for a buck sixty-two

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2004, 11:16:23 PM »
Hell he booked a buck seventy two this year and he shot 498 and 608 and I shot 556 and 410.

Looks like we will need those lessons from Ron in a few weeks.

The shot that was put out was the Nationals.  

No hot looking chicks to pick up on so we were bored.  But the peach picked up on a GPL.  Granny Per League she was 64.

Maybe we will have better luck tomorrow.

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Saw Mill

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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2004, 11:28:22 PM »
You all have a solid team, and I pity the other teams that have to face you.  Ko and Peach will just make their jaws drop in amazement with their speed and power hits, while the others will wow them with their solid control and accuracy.  Scoring will be a given for your team Doc!!!

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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2004, 05:28:06 AM »
Mr PChee is a friend but I can't and won't let him play at 162, he won my last Chinese New Years Dbls tourney even with his adujusted avg.  The shot requested was not the same as the Nationals, they only put a little more OB to the corners.  I know the centers dried quick on some pairs but pots were still in the 240-250 range for 9 games.  Even had an honor score from one of my guys, 297, which he then proceeded to shoot 192+191.  Definately not easy but not real tough or the scores wouldn't be that high.  Should have seen what we put out at the Reno Hilton 2 yrs ago with about 900+ bowlers for the Labor Day weekend and high games winning pots were only in the 220's.  THAT was a tough shot...
Rick Leong
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2004, 11:14:02 AM »
Rick - Jim was saying that the shot was just like nationals.  The problem I saw was that there was not enough oil in the middle of the lane for us.  We had to take hand out of the ball and throw weaker equipment to try and score.

On our first pair I was throwing a colossus pearl highly polished and pchee2 was throwing a blue hot flame when others were throwing the Animal and heavy oil balls.  The OB was not the problem for us it was just getting the ball to the breakpoint without checking up early.  

I will be taking everything out of the bag and putting in weaker eqipment today.  We will see how well we will do today.
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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2004, 11:42:17 AM »
Doc having taken lessons from Ron for the past year and a half I will give you this bit of advice before heading out there today. Be smoother through your release point and try not to grab up on the ball at the bottom of the swing. Grabbing up on the ball makes it hook sooner. Think I want to skoot the ball to the break point. Ron taught me that trick about 6 months ago and I have never scored better on dry lanes. Ask him about it when he gets there.

Best of luck to you and PChee2.


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Re: Wish us luck
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2004, 12:57:00 PM »
just wanted to clear up the confusion over the lane condition at the tournament held memorial day weekend at cloverleaf family bowl in fremont, california.  we have held this tournament for several years now at this center and the shot has always been somewhat soft.  i always ask for a tougher shot, but this is the first time that the center management ever even entertained the thought.  for this tournament, 7-7 was the normal house shot with more than normal oil to the outside creating some ob.  we wanted to eliminate the "miss by 5 or boards to the outside and still smash the pocket" shot.  with that in mind, the shot on saturday set up differently than the shot on sunday.  on saturday, you have a house full of juniors before the tournament started.  after the juniors were done, the oiling commenced.  the lane machine only oiled the heads introducing an element of carrydown to contend with.  on sunday, the back ends were clean with the same head oil pattern.  anyway, hope this clears up any questions anybody may have had about the condition.  if i gave the impression to anyone that the shot was any more than what i just described, i apologize.  the tough part in running tournaments is to make the shot hard enough so that people who bowl well feel good about it, but not so tough that they will never come back.