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Author Topic: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(  (Read 2601 times)


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Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« on: April 04, 2009, 08:21:29 PM »
I just want to let off some steam, still confused if I should laugh of feel p!ssed...

Yesterday was a historic date in my bowling career: My team won a local tournament, even though it was nothing official, but just company-facilitated sports activities (called BKV, a kind of lower level bowling association, more fun-oriented - the fact that there was only fresh oil in the morning and NO lane maintenance throughout the whole day might give you an impression about the level of "professionality").

31 mixed teams were starting, qualifying rounds in groups of 4. Best 2 would advance to finals, 3rd and 4th place would fight for the golden pineapple. We fought our way through a shaky qualifying round (firdt game was lost only by 1!) with only just one victory from 3 possible, but our highest wood count among the 3 one-victory-teams from our group's qualifying round got us into the finals.

From there on we grinded down in the follwing 4 final rounds any opponent team, with very low margin decisions (e. g only by 4 or 14 counts, just the final was a distinctive thing, not only catching up a -30 handycap because the other final team received a triple 10-per-woman bonus, but also winning with a net +40), and fun.
We never expected this - maybe entering the final round, but the rest was... uncertain. Anyway, you might imagine how we might have felt, especially because we had some trouble ourselves on the way but somehow got it right. But a good team spirit!

Then, just before the winner's ceremony, we received the notice that our team was disqualified: in a BKV team, only 2 DBU (the "official" German bowling association) were allowed, and we'd have 3 of them - even though the player that was in discussion had not been playing enough games to receive an official player's pass.

I can live with the disqualification, if this is the rule (I was invited to join the team as a kind of guest player, so I am not very familiar with the BKV's rules, I normally only play DBU sanctioned tournaments and league). But the most bitter taste came because our team captain was told beforehand that there was no problem with the 3rd DKB player as long as he'd only have low games - and just the same person (who had already left...) told the tournament organizers about our case. Then, in the following discussion, there were other dubious and contradictive notions about player control ("We cannot control everybody", "We must control everyone" - but why just in time to prevent the day's victory, and not beforehand?) that just made me feel that a team with external players was not "allowed" to win.

I just did and do not get why a governing body cannot tell a team captain who has to submit a list of the team members that one player could cause potential trouble, and why - "just in time" - this information pops up to heave a BKV team (which was, by conincidence(?), the team of the tournament's organizer...) and that the person who slipped the note just is not to be found anywhere anymore? I cannot help it, but it sounds like foul play to me, even if the disqualification was correct, but the timing and disinformation beforehand just do not sound good to me.

But, by the way, as a small redemption, at least I carted home the two trophies for the highest tournament game and the highest average in the early rounds. Throughout the day I played a 178, 180, 244* in the qualifiers, and the 256*, 190, 224* and 200* in the final rounds (started with my trusted Revolution Renegade, but really rocked the dry house with my Pure Hammer(*)!), one of the best performances I EVER did. And taking into account the dry and ridden lanes that became worse and worse throughout the day, it is even more noticeable.

What a day. Aaargh!

Sorry, a bit long, but I had to let off some steam...
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany



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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 06:31:18 AM »
yeah i'd be a lil pi$$ed also.... the rules are made to be broken!!!!!!!   LOL


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 03:58:37 AM »
Thank you. I am mostly over it, but still p!ssed about the "timing" of our disqualification. Nevertheless, until then it was a fun day with an extraordinary team, and one of the best performances I ever did so far.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 07:16:24 AM »
bitter sweet
you know you won so that has to mean something to you.
I'm your huckleberry


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 11:57:50 AM »
our team captain was told beforehand that there was no problem with the 3rd DKB player as long as he'd only have low games

There's your problem.  244, 256, 224, 200 were not low games. If you had bowled 144, 156, 124, and 100 your scores would have been within the rules and allowed.  This is all your team captain's fault for not informing you of the rules properly.


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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2009, 10:22:27 AM »
Then, just before the winner's ceremony, we received the notice that our team was disqualified: in a BKV team, only 2 DBU (the "official" German bowling association) were allowed, and we'd have 3 of them - even though the player that was in discussion had not been playing enough games to receive an official player's pass.

I'm not familiar with what DBU is, but I think Dizzy was referring to the number of games bowled in DBU, not the scores bowled in the tournament.  --  JohnP


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2009, 03:56:59 PM »
Amazing how often the rules change when a "certain" team or bowler wins! It proves that human beings are generally out for themselves. While we would like to believe that most of us are honest, this kind of "stuff" happens far too often.

Then, when you ask for clarification ahead of time, or request something in writing from an official to prevent the kind of situation that you encountered, you are labeled a trouble-maker. The officials always say, "No Problem", "Don't Worry" etc. etc. ahead of time but change their tune once the results are in.

When I was in business and managing a bunch of engineers and support folks, we had lots of meetings where we discussed situations or plans but came to NO conclusion nor made any specific assignments. Later on, when something got screwed up, many folks, including lots of the "higher ups" said: "Well, we talked about it" Or, "We discussed that at the meeting" etc. etc.

What they all forgot is talking "ABOUT" something does NOT solve the problem. One must make or have specific assignments/responsibilities with appropriate feedback/reported results.

This philisophy applies to most of life's screwed up situations, including arguments with your significant other! Talking ABOUT it does not accomplish anything!!!
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>

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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2009, 04:12:44 PM »
request something in writing from an official to prevent the kind of situation that you encountered, you are labeled a trouble-maker. The officials always say, "No Problem", "Don't Worry" etc. etc. ahead of time but change their tune once the results are in.

This is so true. When its in writing its tough to argue. In most cases if you ask for something in writing they change tune right there.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 10:41:54 AM »
A rule is a rule, but this should have been addressed sooner than after the tournament was over. The powers that be ( if they knew) should've told you before you started, if they were informed of this while bowling was going on they should have informed you.

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2009, 10:47:48 AM »
A rule is a rule, but this should have been addressed sooner than after the tournament was over. The powers that be ( if they knew) should've told you before you started, if they were informed of this while bowling was going on they should have informed you.

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

Yup, I am with you on this. The tournament rules explicitly stated that just 2 WBU players were allowed (plus some more reglementation to enlist just 1 Top level player who'd also get extra handycap!) - but when the team was submitted, our captain asked whether the 3rd WBO man would be a problem, and with his low games this was denied. It just gets sick when just the same person(!) suddenly claims our team to be illegal while we were literally winning (just by good play, we never expected to end up THAT good), and the tournament organizers just retreat behind the passages of the tournament rules.

Really poor style, and it has probbaly been the last time we ever started in this association with a team.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Won first tournament (team) ...disqualified :(
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2009, 10:52:46 AM »
Then, just before the winner's ceremony, we received the notice that our team was disqualified: in a BKV team, only 2 DBU (the "official" German bowling association) were allowed, and we'd have 3 of them - even though the player that was in discussion had not been playing enough games to receive an official player's pass.

I'm not familiar with what DBU is, but I think Dizzy was referring to the number of games bowled in DBU, not the scores bowled in the tournament.  --  JohnP

Yes, correct. You need to make at least 18 sanctioned games to receive an official average for the next season. Without it you do not get a handycap at all (just to prevent sandbagging). But even without that average you are still DBU member and allowed to take part in league, even international tournaments.
And just this "low level" WBU membership caused the trouble in the grey zone of the BKV and the verbal notions about legality of the team for the tournament.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany