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Author Topic: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years  (Read 3968 times)


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Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« on: July 17, 2005, 04:38:23 PM »
what would you guys elect as to being the worst big b ball to be released in the last 3 years? from my personal use, I would have to say the monster frenzy.
That ball just flat out s##ked. It soaked up oil like no tomorrow, was, i believe allot weaker in hook, than brunswick claimed it to be, it was dead after 90 games.

From what I've heard and seen the swamp monster has to be the worst ball ever to roll of the brunswick line.  This ultra high load particle ball (boy was that a stupid idea) ball got 99% bad reviews.  I found it funny that at first everyone loved the ball when they got it, and after 40 games or so, they were like WTF?! What, did they think the ultra high load of particles were gonna stick around forever. Another bad thing was the color! Puke green?! the only thing worse than that is turd brown! I almost died laughing when i read reviews about how people were experiencing chips and chunks of the coverstock breaking off of the ball  I think you can pick these things up for $25 NIB on ebay.  

If you owned the swamp monster I'd bet you any amount of money that the thing hasn't been thrown in a year!

Please, if you own any balls (don't have to be brunswick) that flat out s##ked, i gotta hear it
Disintegration by the Cure is the greatest album ever!

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<Maybe Someday - The Cure
<Dreaming of Me - Depeche Mode
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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2005, 01:03:06 PM »
good job staying on topic guys

Now what was the topic again?  

what would you guys elect as to being the worst big b ball to be released in the last 3 years?

I'm not sure it would be fair to characterize any ball as the "worst" ball from any company, or even as a "bad" ball, as I'm of the belief that every ball released in the last three years, by every manufacturer, has a useful purpose in *someone's* arsenal (although, perhaps, not the purpose originally intended by the manufacturer).  What works well for one person might not work at all for another, and vice versa, and some balls may have more limited usefulness than others.  As some very wise people on this site have said in the past, and I paraphrase, it's all in the matchup.
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2005, 01:08:15 PM »
the last review i typed got deleted so i'm gonna make this short and brief.

this isn't just about particles balls, the UI is still brunswick's second most aggressive reactive so it tends to soak up alot of oil. That's called a fact.

alot of us don't have the kind of money to buy a ball as soon as we see that it might fill a slight gap in our bag

a balls reaction isn't just about the cover stock, the drilling plays a huge part

I'm not a misinformed bowler, i simply look at the streaming reviews for the swamp monster and almost all are negative, now granted some owners of that ball may be misinformed, I am not.

I don't bowl a wall shot- I bowl a travel league that goes to 12 different houses several times throughout the season and we have to bowl a different shot each week. The only wall shot I've bowled is Hawthorn.

response to sparebowler, i live in Arlingotn Heights about 45 minutes northwest of chicago.  centers around me include: elk grove, deer park, waucanda, sunset, 3D, fairhaven , Hawthorn, bz palatine- mt. prospect, etc.

Disintegration by the Cure is the greatest album ever!

Tommy Jones is God!

Five little known songs that will change the way you look at music:
<Maybe Someday - The Cure
<Dreaming of Me - Depeche Mode
<Loser - Beck
<Blackhole Sun - Soundgarden
<Stand inside your love - The Smashing Pumpkins


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2005, 01:17:51 PM »
I never found a condition that I enjoyed the monster frenzy on despite two drillings!  I really thought for me it was of the worst balls I have tried.

Never really like my Purple reactive fuze but I thought I drilled it too strong.
It looked good in others hands.

In general all my Brunswick balls I clasify as strong!  Good move besides the above two.


PS I absolutely love my Icon on a harsh wet dry!  BEautiful arc and tremendous recovery off the dry boards!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2005, 10:46:26 PM »
Helibowl - anything that is beyond a low load particle in your mind should be an automatic no.  There is no shot out there so oily that you need the goliath.
I think it is just common knowledge that high low particles start up too early on the lane, and lack hitting power, they might work fine for you for a couple months, but after that the ball you once knew and loved is loooonnnnngggg gone.  the result is that you are left with a dull half hitting turd, with no real turn.  Hell, even my coach and two of my teammates are realizing that their UIs have died at 150 games tops.  Save yourself the trouble and don't buy a goliath.  if you are a dedicated brunswick supporter the strongest ball you should use is like an absolute, i have mine drilled with like a 5 inch pin, and thing stills hooks allot.
Disintegration by the Cure is the greatest album ever!

Tommy Jones is God!

Five little known songs that will change the way you look at music:
<Maybe Someday - The Cure
<Dreaming of Me - Depeche Mode
<Loser - Beck
<Blackhole Sun - Soundgarden
<Stand inside your love - The Smashing Pumpkins

This entire paragraph is idiotic.  I have a dull resin ball that came out in 1997 that is still hooking strong.  Why? B/C I clean the f'ing thing.  Don't give advice on high load particle balls based on hearsay....  They have a place and when used in that place(condition) they are very effective.

WAIT!!!  Just clicked on the profile.....THAT EXPLAINS ALOT



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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2005, 11:06:41 PM »
I love my Swamp Monster -- have thrown some of my better games with it.  It still seems to work as good as new with about 100 games on it.  Of course I clean my stuff after every set. I don't see enough oil lately to get to throw it often, but  I'm glad to have it around when the need arises.  I don't visit Ebay that often, but are these things really selling for $25 NIB?  If so, I might have to go check into that.  Of course if next bowling season is any thing like the last one, my money would be better spent on something for the medium to light conditions.


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2005, 11:24:28 PM »
You quoted the wrong post HB...
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2005, 11:42:08 PM »
I know how & do tke care of my equipment after every set, theballs I metioned above just didn't fit me or my game, no need to slam people if you don't know the circumstances.  I'm glad your dad has had such good luck with his Predator.
I Absolutely LOVE my Ultimate Inferno, but Ultimately I LOVE my Absolute Inferno!

Bowling is more fun when you only have to throw 1 ball..........F*#k the 10 pin!!


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2005, 01:24:01 PM »
You people b*tch at me when you're the ones off topic.  You're beating a dead horse here.  Some people just can't read.  At the end of my original post i said i was open to ALL balls.  I've heard a ton of people dis others for not talking about brunswick.  I also came back and stated that BASED ON THE REVIEWS
from this site, people hated the swamp monster. Now granted most people that bought the ball don't know how to clean it, shouldn't be reason for anyone to be bashing me.
Disintegration by the Cure is the greatest album ever!

Tommy Jones is God!

Five little known songs that will change the way you look at music:
<Maybe Someday - The Cure
<Dreaming of Me - Depeche Mode
<Loser - Beck
<Blackhole Sun - Soundgarden
<Stand inside your love - The Smashing Pumpkins


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Re: Worst Ball from Brunswick in last 3 years
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2005, 01:32:09 PM »
nice title for this topic then..dippy
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