That's not too bad for a beginner. Everyone has to start someplace. How would you like to be these guys at the ABC Nat'l though.
Just go to and click on records and stats from the menu on the left of the screen. Here
is an example of what you can find there, this is from an update I got last
week from USBC Extra Frames. Bryan Hunche of Akron, Ohio just set the new
record for low game with 9 strikes he shot 176. This beat the old record of
184. They did not say how he got this score on a frame-by-frame print out
but it will probably be in the book when updated for 2005 next year. Then
there was this one and am I glad wasn't me Steve Rock of Lake George, New
York set the new one game below average score. Steve who has a league
average of 230 had a 68 game a whopping 162 pins below his average.
The above is a excerpt from Bob Korth's column.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Charter member F.O.S.