ANY VIZ-A-BALL!!! Really, guys. The question was "over priced, worst hitting". Since when does someone rave about spending $150 on a ball that doesn't hook 2 boards unless you are on sandpaper, can't resurface it if there is any damage? I work at a center that loves viz-a-ball leagues, and I have had more people complain because the center scratches, knicks, or gauges the ball only to look at them and say it is unfixable. At least with other balls, you can resuface them to an extent and you might lose some reaction. Is it cool to throw a ball with your favorite beer or race car driver on it? Absolutely. But, what happens when the ball comes out of the ball return with significant lane damage? Can't fix it and they are very hard to find another since pro shops do not carry these balls regularly like other balls. I would just rather spend the $60 on a Target Zone or White Dot. Outside of the viz-a-balls, I would have to say the Reloaded is the biggest dud of the year.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!