I was drinking the phaze and fight Kool aid...Let's just say I got a first batch phaze....And the fight was so-so on sport oil...
But there were some horror stories with that phaze holy moly
These replies absolutely fascinate me!
I have a Hyper Cell skid that I put four different drills on, and still can't get it to roll right!
Yet, I bought a Fight, second hand from a fellow bowler,.......never re-drilled it, used it as is, and scored on a sport shot with it the first time out. I have also used it successfully on a medium heavy house shot!and used it successfully on the fresh medium house shot.....go figure!
Now I know I have to try this Phaze.......just because so many folks have turned their noses up on it!
Quote from Steven:
The Hammer Scandal !!
I honestly tried. I made surface adjustments from 500 to 4000 grit. I've used it on fresh and second shift THS conditions in different houses. I've used it on different sport conditions, most recently 47' Statue of Liberty. Disappointing is an understatement.
The ball rolls very early, and recovery in the forward transition from oil to friction is sub-par. I've seen a few high speed THS bowlers have some success with the Scandal bouncing it off the side wall friction, but that's not what I bought the ball for.
I just bowled league this past Monday, and there were 4 people on my lanes with this ball, scoring like crazy!!! WOW! Go figure!