-Ebonite Magic. Are you kidding me? Next they need to make the Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.
-Ebonite Pin Slasher. Spherical objects won't be doing any slashing! But really, it's just lame.
-Hammer Rayzr. The name "Razor" wouldn't be bad at all, but the intentional misspell is stupid on this ball. On some pills it's cool, like the Khameleon, or the Nkryption Code. But this one just doesn't work for me.
-Brunswick Wild Ride. Save that name for a roller coaster. Or the girl you met at the bar.

-Columbia Loud Noize. Once again, the misspell. And CERTAINLY not winning points in the creativity department. Blegh.
-Hammer Hawg Wild. It looked awesome, but it sounds like a redneck motorcycle gang.
-Motiv anything. They're not bad, just plainer than a Boeing. Every time i see "TX1," i think Texas. I live in Texas. Ehhhhh?
-BANGER ANYTHING. How much more silly can you get?
-Columbia Backyard Bully. What the heck? I don't want any bullies in my backyard.
-Any Morich LevRg after the original. The original was unique, and it looked sweet. But all of its children are boring/make no sense.
-Lane 1 Golden Nugget. I always think chicken nugget. If i opened up my Micky D's, and my nuggets were shiny friggin' gold...oh wait, that would be awesome.
to the pits!