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Author Topic: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?  (Read 17709 times)


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Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« on: September 29, 2006, 12:15:06 PM »
During league I once trashed my wrist during warmups due to a very dangerous way of cranking the ball. That was 5 years ago and my hand still hurts a little.

I once saw a lady in 2005 in my league stick and somehow fall forward and bashed her kneecap as hard as you could imagine on the ball return strip on the lane a few feet out. The paramedics came as most everyone stopped. She couldn't move as the manager was icing her. She was flat out on the lane. She returned months later and never saw her again.

I also saw a mid 40 man several years ago tear up his knee when he threw a shot and couldn't continue. They had to make the rest of his score as an absent and he never was able to bowl again.

Anything else anyone saw?

Edited on 9/30/2006 11:28 AM



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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2006, 08:25:29 AM »
I watched my Gram while bowling stick on the approach and fly down the lanes(no ball thank god) and fall and break her wrist in 3 places. Hasnt been the same since with a loss of strength.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2006, 08:44:37 AM »
A friend and I were both the anchors on our respective teams. After I leave an 8 count of the first ball in the 10th, all he needs is good count and a mark to beat us. He leaves the greek church, punches one of the seating benches and breaks his bowling hand in four places. He tried to throw at the spare, dropped the ball right into the gutter in pain. He's a nice guy, but that certainly wasn't his brightest moment.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2006, 09:27:10 AM »
As short and sweet as I can make it:

Back in 2003 I was bowling for the first time in a new house.  Paid a couple of bucks to get in a side pot, was stringing them along sitting at 204 in the 8th with a spare in the 9th.  Stepped up for my first shot in the tenth; everything was fine until the follow-through.  I felt a searing pain in my hip and abdomen that was sharper and more shocking than anything I had felt in my life.  I collapsed in a pile on the approach.  I couldn't get up so I dragged myself back from the foul line before nearly passing out on the ball return.

Some other bowlers tried to help me up, but I told them not to touch me.  Eventually I got up and sat on the lane seats.  People tried to give me advice - lay down, breathe deeply - but everything hurt like I had a spear stuck in me.  My wife helped me change my shoes and brought the car around.  My teammates put my equipment in the trunk.  The guy running the side pot was gracious enough to give me my cash back - even though I only needed a couple of pins to win the first game

1 poky general practitioner, 15 ultrasound pictures, one CT scan, and $2500 later I learned that I had an intramuscular haematoma - a complete tear of the muscle tissue that had filled with blood - in the inguinal muscles.  Additionally I had first degree strains of my rectus abdominus and adductor muscles in my left leg.  I was out of bowling for 10 weeks.

I finished that league season with just enough games to qualify for PBA membership, a 213 average, high league series (796) and cashed in two PBA events.

Nothing like a forced 10 weeks off to totally reassess your game.

The injury still rears its head from time to time, though no further loss of participation has occurred.

None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

"My Karma Ran Over My Dogma"
Jesus is coming!  Look busy!

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2006, 09:48:13 AM »
The last time I wore boxers while bowling (about 7 years ago).  Two words that pain me to even think about.

Testicular Torsion

I wouldn't wish that kind of pain and embarement of re-telling the story on anyone.

Edited on 10/6/2006 9:42 AM


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2013, 09:38:38 PM »
I, just last week, dropped my ball and reflex went to catch it and smashed my finger between the ball and the ball return. I fractured my finger and of course it was my ring finger:( I'm out only a week until i go back to the doctor. It was definitely disgusting though.


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2013, 07:07:09 AM »
I November of 2011 while delivering my first ball in the tenth frame on a 5 bagger. I tore a tendon in my slide foot. Missed the shot. After MIR to be sure it was indeed tore I started to wear a brace on my left foot. The doctor told me it is not worth fixing in a man my age 61 at the time so I am just going to live with it. I wear a brace most days when ever I bowl and have other things to do that require me to walk on uneven ground. The injury was started by twisting my ankle many times over too many years.
But bowling and sliding was the finale straw that broke the tendon for a permanent injury.


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2013, 08:12:40 AM »
Watched a friend's forearm break in two places in the middle of his backswing. It was horrible sounding and looked even worse. He has since recovered and is bowling better now than he ever did before the injury but it took him nearly 2 years to bowl with a ball of any weight after that.

Also saw a kid with a super high back swing hit his hand on a low rafter at JOG in 08 (I think), it was awful, I believe he broke two fingers and had bad lacerations.

And the worst was a guy stuck, and his knee bent a good 30° in the wrong direction before he buckled to the ground, he tore his ACL and just shredded his knee.
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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2013, 08:22:21 AM »
I once saw a gal stick on the approach, went forward and stepped in the gutter and broke her ankle.

I don't know if this qualifies as an injury but bowling in a state tournament about 20 years ago during the team event a fellow on the other team went down with a heart attack at the start of the 3rd game.

There were some firefighter EMT on the next pair who helped him till an ambulance crew got there. They ended up working on him for about an hour at the lanes finally getting a pulse and transported him but he ended up dying.


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2013, 09:11:18 AM »
About 10 years ago, my wife stuck on the approach during practice.  She landed straight down on her knees.  The jolt jammed her back and gave her a herniated disc.  She has just started back to bowling a couple of years ago, but still had to be careful with her back.
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.

Jesse James

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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2013, 11:40:35 AM »
Worse injury that I've seen is a bruised ego! Guy in my league who averages about 230, was whining and crying when he and his team lost to another team that they were giving about 50 pins handicap to. He shot 758, and his team shot just under 3300, yet still lost all their games since the other team pretty much matched their team, shot for shot!
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2013, 12:19:03 PM »
I have seen or heard of some nasty ones over the years:

Watched a teachers tournament with many novice bowlers one year in front of the pro shop. Lady went over the line when she released it. Did the leg swim for a second or two while sliding and fell backwards very hard. Her head got to the ground first and she was out. Very scary moment as she lay motionless on the approach for about 30 seconds before she started to move her hands, etc.

Heard about a guy at a center in the NW side of C-Bus with notorius bad approaches. I heard on his first full approach shot, he stuck and twisted his knee so bad they had to call the EMT's. I guess he twisted the ligaments so bad, he doesnt bowl to the day.

Same center, they had one dim-witted porter there. They send him down on a ball stuck in the tunnel call. This guy goes down and takes the cover off and sticks his head in the tunnel. Doesn't pay attention that the other lane still has people chucking balls on it. Ball comes down the chute seconds after he sticks his head in the tunnel and just blasts him in the forehead. He was slumped over with his head stuck down in the tunnel. Lucky for him it was in front of the desk and the desk guy turns both lanes off immediately.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

NY Mike

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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2013, 01:26:42 PM »
Here is one for the ages, early 90's. 4 man league,  fellow experiencing a bad night walks off the lanes and takes his anger out on an old glass gum ball, peanut vendng machine severing the tendons in his hand never to bowl again......... believed to have lost full usage of the hand.

On another note, had a teammate this year go out for a smoke between games only to take a massive heart attack and pass at only 38 years old.  Out of respect, league cancelled games 2 & 3 that evening.


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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2013, 02:06:18 PM »
A bowler in my split season league on the last day of the first half blew out his calf muscle after bowling 3-4 frames in out of the blue, obviously he couldn't continue and took a blind for the rest of that game. Luckily for him a sub was available. On another occasion in my mixed league I saw an older lady hang up in the ball and went into lane after the ball shot straight up and into the gutter.

This isn't as much a physical injury than it is an emotional one but I heard a story from about the daughter of a bowler I know who had an "injury" during league one night. Unfortunately I didn't visit the league that night to sub...wish I had though. Anyway the young lady gets up to bowl, starts her approach and as she goes into her slide she sticks and falls forward on her knees dropping the ball into the gutter. Pretty run of the mill bowling injury right? Here's the thing, the young woman has quite a "rack" and she was wearing a loose spaghetti strapped tank top, so when she fell forward....let's just say the bowling ball wasn't the only thing being dropped. I'm guessing her bruised knees were the least of her problems at that moment...
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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2013, 03:54:14 PM »
My injury happened 2 fold.... 1 week i pulled a groin muscle while bowling... the following week I tore it bowling.

Almost a blessing in disguise as i put a wrap around my leg and finished out the season with my highest average and a 300 to go along with it. Helped fix some timing issues as i was forced to slow down.

Only problem is, the muscle never healed right and I have to wear a compression wrap every time i bowl now.
Brandon Joseph
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Re: Worst bowling injury witnessed during league?
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2013, 04:48:18 PM »
In early 70's when I was watching my dad bowl saw an older man, Serf Russell, suffer heart attack and die on approach of lanes 1 and 2. Also saw a guy completely tear his bicep throwing hard at a ten pin, bicep immediately curled up into a ball under his skin.