As short and sweet as I can make it:
Back in 2003 I was bowling for the first time in a new house. Paid a couple of bucks to get in a side pot, was stringing them along sitting at 204 in the 8th with a spare in the 9th. Stepped up for my first shot in the tenth; everything was fine until the follow-through. I felt a searing pain in my hip and abdomen that was sharper and more shocking than anything I had felt in my life. I collapsed in a pile on the approach. I couldn't get up so I dragged myself back from the foul line before nearly passing out on the ball return.
Some other bowlers tried to help me up, but I told them not to touch me. Eventually I got up and sat on the lane seats. People tried to give me advice - lay down, breathe deeply - but everything hurt like I had a spear stuck in me. My wife helped me change my shoes and brought the car around. My teammates put my equipment in the trunk. The guy running the side pot was gracious enough to give me my cash back - even though I only needed a couple of pins to win the first game
1 poky general practitioner, 15 ultrasound pictures, one CT scan, and $2500 later I learned that I had an intramuscular haematoma - a complete tear of the muscle tissue that had filled with blood - in the inguinal muscles. Additionally I had first degree strains of my rectus abdominus and adductor muscles in my left leg. I was out of bowling for 10 weeks.
I finished that league season with just enough games to qualify for PBA membership, a 213 average, high league series (796) and cashed in two PBA events.
Nothing like a forced 10 weeks off to totally reassess your game.
The injury still rears its head from time to time, though no further loss of participation has occurred.
/|\None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free.... "My Karma Ran Over My Dogma"Jesus is coming! Look busy!