I did a good one last nite,,,,
Started off with a 235, then 153, then 113,,,, after the first game my left knee was really hurting, so I was trying to compensate for that, which didnt help at all.
I had a couple games a few yrs ago, were i'd do the 98, or 112, to start a nite then shoot 180/230 something for the last two games lol. I did have two yrs in a row were i didnt break 100 for one game.. didnt matter where i threw the ball i ended up getting a split.
I still remember one nite on a scratch league, a bowling friend of mine who was averaging like 230, went 140-160-150 for the nite, and he said to me,, just when you think you've figure this game out, crap like this happens..
And it's true, every now n then you get those games were nothing seems to work.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "