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Author Topic: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???  (Read 5186 times)


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Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:52:39 AM »
I watched a 104 on 196 average last night and the guy was really trying, he looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

I had a 158 a few weeks back and still managed a 608 series, only took 2 ball changes to find the right ball after changing hand and speed for the 158 game

I also shot 88 once in league my first year, lowest game by a man the whole season and should have been. It was nice and humiliating for me, but made me seek out coaching and the dreaded new ball kick I got on.

For 2 years believe it or not I had only 1 bowling ball, seems like a million years ago now it 1998 and 1999.


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2008, 07:49:34 PM »
I did a good one last nite,,,,

Started off with a 235, then 153, then 113,,,, after the first game my left knee was really hurting, so I was trying to compensate for that, which didnt help at all.  

I had a couple games a few yrs ago, were i'd do the 98, or 112, to start a nite then shoot 180/230 something for the last two games lol.  I did have two yrs in a row were i didnt break 100 for one game..  didnt matter where i threw the ball i ended up getting a split.  

I still remember one nite on a scratch league, a bowling friend of mine who was averaging like 230, went  140-160-150 for the nite, and he said to me,, just when you think you've figure this game out,  crap like this happens..

And it's true, every now n then you get those games were nothing seems to work.
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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2008, 07:53:11 PM »
my one team mate bowled 11 strikes and had a 7 10 split and me the anchor bowled a 123 and bowled a 399 total score. It seems like I struggle to figure out the wood lanes. and me with only one ball thats my buzzbomb. so I struggle every time i bowl on leauge.


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2008, 08:07:51 PM »
I don't have what anyone would consider a high average, only 158, but it's my first season on a league ever.

Last night was one of those nights.  The house I am at has been real spotty on oiling the lanes the past month or so.  One week it's like a swimming pool and the next it's bone dry.  Last night was one of the dry nights.  With it being the first week I had my new Sauce I was determined to make it work...even though I knew it wasn't going to happen.  First game I went and put up a huge 81.  Then I got over the idea of making the Sauce work and pulled out the Vibe and went 156 - 197 to finish out the night.  One of those things that was entirely my fault for making the bad call on which ball to use but I had it in my head that "I" was up for the challenge of making it work.  All part of the learning experience and the lesson was learned.


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2008, 08:43:04 PM »
I did the following off a 188 average a few years back: 96-207-178.

The worst ever was by one of the better bowlers that I know who went 300-97-180 to shoot 577. Big boomer-hook guy the 97 game featured seven splits, including a lily.


Pat Patterson

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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2008, 08:57:57 PM »
If I ever shoot a game below 100 and I don't care what pattern it is, I'd quit.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

I agree, if I ever I shot a game under 100 I would leave all my equipment right there on the pair of lanes and walk out the door.

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2008, 09:23:51 PM »
Same here definately, also a series under 500 would be the same way.
If I ever shoot a game below 100 and I don't care what pattern it is, I'd quit.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

I agree, if I ever I shot a game under 100 I would leave all my equipment right there on the pair of lanes and walk out the door.

Pat Patterson

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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2008, 07:49:24 AM »
I dropped a 108 in league when I had a 187 average a couple of years ago...had to finish X X9/ to do it...
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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2008, 07:51:19 AM »
My son shot 93 with a 211 avg.  I believe he's quitting.


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2008, 07:56:15 AM »
Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2008, 10:06:03 AM »
I'm averaging around 195 right now....about 6 weeks ago shot a 124 in my league.  Couldn't get anything to work no matter where I put it.  In the first 5 frames I had 3 splits.

On the flip side, couple weeks ago I watched a guy with a 110 average that throws the ball straight run the first 9 before he finally lost the 300.  I don't know if it makes me an azzhole, but I don't think I could have been happy for the guy if he had thrown the 300.  I've bowled for 15 years and just recently shot a 299, my first honor score.  Had he thrown a 300 with sh!thouse luck, don't think I could have been happy.
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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2008, 11:35:54 AM »
I was bowling a tournament earlier this year and made the final seven.  Final four move on to the finals.  Everyone else shot over 200 and I shot 111.  It was on a tough pattern but that is no excuse.

I saw a guy in my PBA exp league shoot an 88 on the cheetah pattern.  This guy is now bowling on the tour and is averaging over 240 in league.


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2008, 11:41:32 AM »
Shot 138 while averaging 211.


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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2008, 12:05:52 PM »
Boy, what a bunch of sucky bowlers we have here.

My contribution, three weeks ago, 191 average.

Bowled a 115 w/ an out the door "Hambone".

We won the game by 2 pins.
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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2008, 01:18:03 PM »
Had a 122 my first game with a 216 average. Ended up winning a bracket cause I had a bye in the first round.
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Re: Worst game thrown by you or team mate on higher average???
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2008, 01:48:01 PM »
Teammate had a 198 or so average and went out and threw triplicate 157s.  Now the first wasn't planned, but the second became planned when he threw a bad ball in the 10th and just needed only 1 pin to shoot a 157.  Last was a lot tougher as he started out good.
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