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Author Topic: would this have been sanctioned?  (Read 978 times)


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would this have been sanctioned?
« on: November 15, 2004, 11:09:58 AM »
Help me with this question that came up today.  I was prebowling for my thurs. note league,tonite, and I had the first 7 strikes, all buried, all crushed,(with my new labyrinth) I called over one of the counter guys to watch jsut incase I went off the chart and shot 300.  I didn't want anybody to accuse me of screwing with the score.  Of course I proceded to leave a 10 pin in the 8th and wound up with a 255.......the question is......would an honor score count during league prebowling? Would it qualify for a ring etc. just like if it was league nite?  just wondering mostly, after the 255 I was thinking 800, I had a 5 board area and was really hitting the ball,  BUT....bowling by yourself is a double edged sword, you can get in a grove, but you can also get tired very quickly.  Thats what hapenned to me, I left the 2 pin 6 times the second game, 3 time in row, shot 166, and only 189 the third game..didn't have another double until the 7th frame  of the third game.....I was a side note.....any of you store owners on this board need any shelving for your stores? lozier gondola or pallet rack. I work for a liquidation company and we speicalize in store fixtures. let me know if you do, I might be able to help. thanks  

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Re: would this have been sanctioned?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 07:34:27 PM »
when i shot my 300 it was in a post bowl.  our team missed the first week and so did 3 other teams therefore the league allowed us to post boy.  during the post boy i shot the 300 in the first game and it was my first one.  i was wondering at the time if they would sanction it.  i found out about 2 weeks later that it was going to be sanctioned and i would get my ring for it but it would not count toward league high series/game stuff.  that was yaba,  i am not sure about abc but i would think it is probably the same.


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Re: would this have been sanctioned?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2004, 08:03:02 PM »
Don't see why not.  Last 900 was prebowled without witnesses.
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Re: would this have been sanctioned?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2004, 08:10:57 PM »
Yep, it sure was. And if a 900 was legal without witnesses, I guess one measly 300 would be.

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Re: would this have been sanctioned?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2004, 08:40:36 AM »
I'm not sure, but I think it comes down to your leagues by-laws.  ABC will count it if the league does.  Some leagues require witnesses.
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