looking at running a tourney at the house,
format will be...
3 strikes your out....
handicap 66 2/3 of 210......
[170 min]
this format consists of bowling singles, 1 game matches......
after each match...
the low 50% of scores get a strike.....
bowl another match....
again the low 50% get a strike.....
once you are low 3 times[ 3 strikes]
your out.......
and you keep doing 1 game matches,
till their is only 1 person left....
looking at having a field of 16 @ $150 per bowler =
$2400 to prize fund
[all money goes back into prize fund]
payout would look something like this...
the fist few matches we would divide into a and b squads....
with 8 bowlers per squad......
once we got down to 10 bowlers or less, squads would disappear.
probably do a calcutta and high game pot also.....
i have bowled this format before and its a blast....
the great thing is you only have to beat 1/2 the field each game......
so whatta you think,
would you bowl this if you had the chance or would you pass?
welcome any opinions on how to improve this format?