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Author Topic: Would you dare throw Polyester???  (Read 1584 times)


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Would you dare throw Polyester???
« on: November 06, 2004, 01:50:42 AM »
My Friday night league has been experiencing some changes over the last 4 weeks, and the right handers have been shut out.  The reason I say this is because the top 5 guys in the league are over 230, and all leftys.  I decided that I needed to be one of them rightys that stopped crying about the lanes, and do something about it.

So last week, I decided to try out my Viz-a-ball, and play straight up the boards.  If anything, the lanes playing straight up, its dry enough so that the ball will come back, and no one is playing that shot.  I shot 648 with a 267 game.  The other two games was because I couldn't pick up a 10 pin, or I would of shot 680-690.  

Last night, I started out with a Purple Hammer, and was just playing straight up 10, where no one is playing.  When the ball hits the dry, it make its move and doesnt over react, just a nice control hook, and was just wacking them, shot 234 the first game.  Second game, I shot 199, once again missing a 10 pin in the 10th, or that game should easily of been a 210 game.  I did made a ball change in the 3rd game because the lanes were starting to break down some, and I went back to my viz-a-ball, and shot 269 for a 702 series.  

I dont know about you, but I think this was a great move, and now I got other people thinking about bringing out the older stuff, and try what I did.  My average has jumped from 211 to 215 by making this move, and hope it keeps going.  I will say this, you are going to leave 10 pins with the less hooking stuff, but you are going to leave nastier stuff with the reactives and others.  If I was to pick up my 10 pins, I would be dangerous.



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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2004, 09:56:02 AM »
At my Tuesday league house the only people putting up good numbers are throwing older equipment like the Nitro and Teal Rhino Pros. I had decent control with my Target Zone for game three, so my plan is to bowl with that for the coming weeks and see how I do. Sometimes when the condition is very wet/dry or spotty, polyester or urethane can even out the control and as long as you can throw with the right hand release and speed often outscore those that are fighting the lane pattern.



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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2004, 12:07:49 PM »
Seems like not many people have tried this.  I would strongly suggest if you are struggling with the newer stuff, try your older urethane or even your spare ball when the lanes break down.  You wont have the over reaction, and I feel that that is one thing you will have over your opponents.  Good Luck to all!


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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2004, 07:13:49 PM »
At my house I'm only gonna shoot my plastic until they fix up the condition, its to damn dry!!! NOTE: I actually bowl pretty well there with my plastic...
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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2004, 07:55:54 PM »
yeah like 3 people on my team are using a hammer urethane and it seems to react extremely well on the fairly dry lanes and yes they are on the spotty side, but i use a tornado tps and i cover lots of boards which im not use to being a power stroker and its hit or miss not consistent.


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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2004, 02:47:07 PM »
I've used urethane for about 9-12 games this season, and a few with plastic.  Whatever it takes.  Nothing but plastic would be a little boring because I like the variety of balls and oil patterns that I normally see, but I have no problem using it if it's the proper tool for the job.
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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2004, 03:03:15 PM »
Centers - nice job.  It sounds like you've learned a lesson that some people never learn:  when conditions are tough and you've (honestly) fished around for a shot inside, deep inside, the twig, and everything in between, you've tried different releases and hand positions and equipment and speed combinations... and the end result is that everything is pretty much the same and unforgiving at that ... keep it simple.  Find something down-and-in or fairly direct to the pocket and "defensively" bowl to leave easy spares (like a 10-pin instead of a wash-out) when you don't strike.  190 looks awfully good when everyone else is throwing 170's

Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")


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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2004, 03:03:22 PM »
If you see a light to medium-light short oil pattern, you will DOMINATE with a Hammer urethane. You'll also do well with the quality 3-piece urethanes (Rhino, Angle, Thunderbolt). If the shot gets really dry, then you whup out the plastic.  I miss the 80's "short oil" days. All you needed was a polished Black Hammer, a scotch-brite pad for those last minute adjustments, some tape, and a pair of shoes. Back then, only Super-Seniors would throw out their backs getting the bag out of the trunk. It can happen to anyone now.


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Re: Would you dare throw Polyester???
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2004, 03:14:39 PM »
My "arsenal" for my Monday night league is a Pink Hammer and plastic.  Nothing else needed.