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Author Topic: would you ship to the UK?  (Read 782 times)


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would you ship to the UK?
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:58:26 AM »
hi guys! just wondering would you ship balls to the UK?

and if so what balls and prices would anyone like to put on the table?

im looking for a medium condition ball with plenty of backend for a bowler with 18/19 mph and about 550 revs 2 hander for when the lanes break down and things start to overreact.

any more questions ill be happy to answer.
thats a knee to the shoulder... lets hope its not his kidneys



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Re: would you ship to the UK?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 12:17:03 AM »
used to, in the past would ship it anywhere. now. it's just a royal pain in the you know where. Would not do it on bet any longer. Got burnt far too many times. too much time, money and effort for zero return. Not that anxious to make a sale any longer.

Check with internet sellers. Many will be glad to sell a new ball and ship it anywhere in the world.
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Re: would you ship to the UK?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 12:38:10 AM »
   I tried to pickup a rotogrip MTX overseas and they wanted $150.00 just to ship it and thats not including the price of the ball... not worth it to me unless you have the money to burn, which I didn't..


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Re: would you ship to the UK?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 01:33:25 AM »
Buddies Pro Shop ships to Europe using USPS Priority Mail International..

Shipping cost to UK is $76.50 for a 15" ball and even if the ball is about $120 - $150 is still half the total price of what we pay over here in Europe..


Edited on 8/14/2008 1:34 AM


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Re: would you ship to the UK?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 03:01:10 AM »
   I tried to pickup a rotogrip MTX overseas and they wanted $150.00 just to ship it and thats not including the price of the ball... not worth it to me unless you have the money to burn, which I didn't..

Was that through us (RPS Bowling)?

If it was (or even if it wasn't) to say "they wanted" $150 for shipping is a little unfair... "It costs" $150 to ship a ball from UK-US...

Generally, whatever something costs in the US, it will cost about the same in the UK, except in £... ie it will cost twice as much.  US-UK $75, UK-US £75.

Go Gunners - is there anything in particular your looking for?
