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Author Topic: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....  (Read 4412 times)

trash heap

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Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« on: December 16, 2003, 05:41:03 AM »
Here is the scenario. Bowling last night, my teammate has left a 10 pin in middle of second game. He throws pretty hard at it, the ball slams the pin into the pit and the pin launches straight back out about 15 feet. It was something to see. A few frames later I have a ten pin and it does almost the same thing.

We start talking about how it might be possible to pick up the 7 10 split. Well 9th frame comes in the 3rd game and I have a 7 10 split. I throw ball just to the right of the 10 pin, hit the pin pretty hard, and as it is moving left it is bouncing up and down in the pit, and to my surprise it takes the 7 out!

It was suggested by someone that I should decline the award, due to the fact they think there was something with the pit making the pins jump.

Would you take the award?
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Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2003, 08:56:50 PM »
so if u were to shoot a 300 but only because some pins came out of the back and hit the 7 would u turn it down?  the only difference would be that it would be a bigger award i say accept it you don't know if there was something wrong maybe there was some lively pins or some new cushions who knows not ur job to say
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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2003, 08:30:45 AM »
What's the shame in picking up the 7-10 split this way? It is not you responsiblity to check the lanes before league play starts. I say you made a hell of a shot in picking up the 7-10. Congrats and remind your buddy of this when your 7-10 patch arrives from ABC.


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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2003, 03:10:00 PM »
It was suggested by someone that I should decline the award, due to the fact they think there was something with the pit making the pins jump.

By that logic, all scores bowled on that lane should be thrown out.  If something in the pit "helped" you pick up the 7-10, it certainly was helping carry on the first shot (well, not the one you left the 7-10 with ).  Take the award, you earned it!

Oh yeah, in the last American Bowler mag I received, I believe it showed there were more 7-10 awards handed out so far this season than there were big 4 awards.  I'd have thought the opposite...


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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2003, 03:21:17 PM »
and all 300's that end up with a crossover, messenger or any other lucky shot should be refused also?? Take the award. You earned it.


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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2003, 03:29:45 PM »
Take it.
Or if you don't want it, send it to me.
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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2003, 03:42:46 PM »
Let me put it to you this way.
Same scenario but at a tournament.
The tournament is called the Willow Creek Classic in Green Bay, Wi.
They payout on strike strings, clean sets, all spare games and such.
But they also payout on big"4" and 7-10 pickups.
The payout is $500.

Now do you accept the award?

I would hope so!!!!!!!

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Jerry Weller

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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2003, 03:54:06 PM »
Hell yeah you take it. Screw anybody that says otherwise - they're just jealous you did it and they didn't.


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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2003, 04:18:45 PM »
I do not know of any 7-10 that I have ever seen made with skill; there is no room to hit either pin thin enough to have it slide across the lane, like a 4-6 or a 4-5. So virtually every 7-10 ever made was only done by luck. So take the dumb patch!

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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2003, 04:36:25 PM »
Take the award man, when I picked up my 7-10, there was stuff flying out of the pit all night...saw a 4-6 and a 4-6-7 picked up on the same pair, so I knew there was a chance for me.
Andrew Loose
Illinois State University Men's Bowling Team
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Re: Would you take a 7 10 Split Award if.....
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2003, 04:56:25 PM »
tell that guy to get a life!!!  they were there, now they're gone, nuff said!!

have you, or anyone else, seen a 7-10 split picked up by sliding one pin all the way across the deck and tapping the other pin?!?!?  i sure as heck haven't.
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