So yesterday I had a frustrating carry day with my can't miss Rubber orb, on my harsh wet dry fresh shot!
So along I had a Pancake Tornado Warning, Lane #1 Buzzsaw Plastic, and a Morich Sahara!
A friend came up and said try this Boo Yah. Drilled like a virtual Rico it read the pattern so smoothly allowed me to go inside with the Reactives medium flare reactives I often use with frustration and read so smoothly and had good smooth recovery!
I noticed to my eyes it seemed cover heavy? Maybe that segways in to my next paragraph.
A while back I talked to one of the major company reps and he noted that the companies had thought that higher flare two piece cores wrapped by Urethane covers like the Natural would be the cats meow. Instead they have found these lower flare two piece cores wrapped in today's stronger urethane coves are really a much better matchup.
Anyone here compared these various balls, Boo Yah vs Pitch Black, vs Pitch Blue?
PS I have laying around Naturals(dud for me pin up), Hammer Blue modern version(undrilled), A Brunswick pancake urethane(high average lefty used in our house last year same model)(undrilled).