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Author Topic: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.  (Read 4670 times)


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Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« on: February 03, 2004, 02:04:53 AM »
Well I'll be honest, when I bowled my best I used a wrist brace.  A Robbie's leather original.

Didn't have a tendon problem, didn't strain a finger or a groin, just liked it.
It seemed to make me into a slightly different bowler, one that could do a little damage.  The firmness of the wrist brace just seemed to give me a more level release penetrating and direct path in to the pins.

At that time I also had a very stretched span that seemed to tear up my thumb daily.

Since that time I've switched to a proper relaxed full fingertip and not really liked the Robby's.  

Today I took out two of the Robocop wristbraces and gave them a whirl.
A Pro Release Extended and a Robbie's Revs both listed suppossedly as large.

Always I do fairly well with the Pro Release as it feel fairly comfortable as far as Robo arms do.  However, I know for some reason it is not exactly what I'm looking for.  Why I don't know but the ball roll is not PERFECT!

Now the suppossedly also Large size Robbies' Revs has always just been restrictive and uncomfortable.  Just has never seemed really like it is a large!
But I persevered today and it was working fairly well though uncomfortable when using a span about 1/4 inch shorter than my old successful but damaging span length.

Now here is the interesting thing.  I have a second opinion ball that I really hate the feel of.  Drilled by a well respected guy here and it is another 1/8 inch shorter!  This span is now 3/8 of an inch shorter than my old standard of a couple of years ago.  Almost a semi fingertipor a very relaxed full fingertip, I have the ball with me even though I hate the span because I love the reaction and want to see that.

Now with the Robbies suppossedly large size, my device still seems small and uncomfortable.  I cannot laterally shift hand towards top of forearm without discomfort and my index finger is never inside the padded area of the finger area but up and above because of this uncomfortable facet of this brace(which may be caused only because of sizing).  I now go to shock myself throw several giddy strikefest games that equal or exceed any proper ball throwing and release that I have ever done before. I was just absolutely penetrating thru the ball so level so firm so exactly what I want, I'm in a state of shock.
This with the uncomfortable and small wrist brace with a span that I find so short I feel the back of my thumb is almost hitting back of thumbhole all the time.

Here are the questions:
1. Do Robbies' Revs run small compared to other Robo Arms
2. Are they always uncomfortable?
3. Why it so easy to laterally shift up the finger covering piece on the Pro Release Robo arm to cover all my fingers yet so difficult and uncomfortable to do the same on the Robbie's REv roto arm?

Guru's and those familiar with these Robo cop devices?  Your comments?
Non wrist brace users, please stick with your why I'd only use a wrist brace if I was hurt posts please.  There are many of those posts you can add to!  


PS Obviously at this time there are a couple of easy choices here at this time.
1. Keep using the comfortable ProRelease with my current (I think) proper span.
2. Keep using the Robbie's with the very short span ball and continue to change my equipment over to very short span.
3. Get an Extra large Robbie's Revs and try using on current "normal span" balls and see if I can recreate this shockingly awesome ball roll WITH comfort!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 09:25:44 AM »
This shows the populartity of robo braces, no comments!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 10:21:34 AM »
Without a wrist support my flight pattern on the lanes is long and loopy with big sharp backend.

With a wrist brace it's similar strong side roll and backend but much straighter and firmer, carry is way up.

While the leather Robbie's was great when my span was stretched, the other good ones,ie Mongoose lifter, powerpaw seem to not have me quite as accurate as I once was.

Since going to the shorter span it seems I need a little more cup in the wrist than the Robbie's original leather gives me as I am still real accurate and firm with it, OH I guess I could bend it.

Ok so you've given me two good ideas King, as always thanks.

1. Try short span with Pro Release Robo
2. Try Robbie's leather with more cup bent in to it!


PS any others familiar with these braces and different sizing from brand to brand.  Thanks!

Edited on 2/4/2004 6:19 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Mike Austin

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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 04:37:50 PM »

These are the two braces that we sell the most of.  They are pretty similar.  The Revs comes in 4 sizes, while the Pro Release only comes in 2.  My wife wears an Extended Pro Release, and she loves it.  She tried the Revs awhile back when she thought she might not be able to wear the Pro Release in a PWBA event.  It definitely was not as comfortable.  I would try a game or two with an XL Revs first.  

What happened when you used the Pro Release with the newest grip?

You also might try Storm's new Extra Roll glove.  It is not adjustable, but has more "cup" in the wrist area than a Mongoose, and goes farther up the back of your hand.  I tried one for grins, very comfortable.  I use a Robby Plus Leather, and take the metal out on the palm side.  Fairly stiff, I just like it as a reminder.

Mike Austin
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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2004, 04:49:59 PM »
having owned or tried most braces,
the revs I and Revs II are night and day in terms of feel. the Revs II is more comfortable. of course I never use them in the cupped position much. the REV I seems to move pressure in the swing. that drives me nuts. but the revs II feels like it's not really there as much.

best brace for comfort as I have found.

I just switched to a wrist master wrister. it just wraps around the wrist and seams pretty good. my wrist was not sore at all.

I was wearing braces because of repeated tendon strain in the back of my hand. since going with a shorter span and using a CLT drilling my hand has been injury free for a year. New Record!

now my wrist has become weak so the wrister has been doing well for the first time out. maybe one of those would work for you also.
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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2004, 05:05:30 PM »
I use a Robby's REVS 2 - XL...  I have a small hand comparatively to most of my fellow scratch bowlers and thought the XL still had the best fit.  I especially needed the XL since I wear a glove underneath it and the XL straps fit better.


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2004, 05:15:11 PM »
Mike and Omega,

I appreciate your interest.

Mike I never did try the Pro Release with the shortest of the 3 spans.
I've added that to my trial list, to compare it to the very uncomfortable but super successful Revs 1.


It is not the cup that I really need, (I bowl with a cup without a wrist brace) just a slight amount, never maximum.  But the big point of discomfort for me with the Revs 1 large is that my index finger is not on the padded finger part, it hangs off to the side of the padded part.
When I go to move the padded part up laterally to have my Index finger under it,this is when the discomfort comes in.  When I do the same lateral up move with the Pro Release XL I find that it covers my index finger easily.

OMEGA, did you find you got the same support with the Revs II which does not have the extended fingers???  Or could you really feel no difference.

I have verified that I do in fact have a Large Robbies Revs 1 and got the different specs on the XL.

Regarding cupping I understand that I bowl with quite a bit without a wrist brace and then reduce the amount at release.

Regarding the previous straight position of my Robbie's Leather original(little standard wrist brace), it used to work beautifully when I had a long span.
Now it seems like I need more cup with the shorter span or I drop a little, to me that sort of makes logical sense.

So I will first try.
1. Prorelease with shortest span
2. Robbie's Original leather with a little bend in the back
3. If not exuberant, a Robbie's Rev 1 Xtra Large
4. Maybe the storm Extra Roll or Strong arm.


PS I will get back with the results.  If it feels as good as Pro Release and I score as silly and throw as good as with the Uncomfortable Revs 1 LArge it could be a scary combination!

Edited on 2/4/2004 6:24 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2004, 05:17:21 PM »
bowl 868,

I know you had used in the past the ZL4.

Did you find a big difference in support going from the ZL 4 with fingersupport to the Revs 2 WITHOUT finger support?



Edited on 2/4/2004 6:16 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2004, 07:35:03 PM »

For how they fit my hand, I feel I have equal amounts of finger support between the  ZL4 and the Revs2.  I just put them both on and they both extend the same amount out to my middle knuckle.  For me the Revs2 is more comfortable and is wider at the finger end for actually a little more support.  

I also like the cupping and side to side adjustments on the Revs2.  I have a lot of forward roll and the little spin from the side to side adjustment helps a bit.


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2004, 09:15:18 PM »
Thanks 868!!!!

I have learned a lot in this little set of posts!


PS anymore thoughts appreciated.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 05:00:23 AM »
I just wanted to say "Thanks" the comments on this post were very helpful and I'll get back on my tests!


PS verified specs over the phone with a pro shop friend I do have a Revs1 Large.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2004, 12:49:41 PM »
So far tested the Pro Release (bigger than large Revs1) on my shortest span ball and it worked well and had a real nice powerful game.

Put on the previous weeks superstar Revs 1 size large(too small for me) and was again very uncomfortable and never really got it going this week.

Had also picked up a straight wrist brace, a ZL2 from Ebonite.

This ball was a total dud in this short span ball, I kept feeling like I wanted to cup more but couldn't.  I then tried with a ball that had a longer span.

4 7/16 on short ball, 4 5/8 on longer span and had much better resuslts.

It seems these straighther wristbraces seem to work well with longer spans, while the adjustable braces work better with shorter spans.
In fact it seems in general that with very relaxed spans it seems it is necessary to cup the wrist more than with longer spans to get the same powerful feeling of power, loft, and revs.  

Anyone ever noticed  this?


PS more tests to come!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2004, 04:59:31 PM »
I used the Extended Pro release for 2 years and loved it. I tried a Robby Revs II and it did not work well for me at all, so I stayed with my Extended Pro Release. This year just before Leagues Started in Sept., I bought a Brunswick Striker Elite (formerly called Striker owned by an individual before Brunswick bought him out) and love it better than the Pro Release. It is not adjustable like the Robbys, Pro Release, etc., but it fits so well, putws your hand in the correct position, that it doesn't need adjustment. It seems to put your hand in an excellent position at release. It is also so comfortable and especially light weight that you don't even know you have it on.

Since it is new to the Pro Shops, few carry it, but they can order it. Cost is around $40. Since I got mine, several people in my leagues have bought them and love them.
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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2004, 06:54:05 AM »
Hey Brick, I have one from the guy who sold to Brunswick.

Remember I turned you on to it!

I get absolutely a ton of lift with this release.  Have bowled well at times with it!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Wrist brace sizes et al? Pro shop gurus chime in.
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2004, 05:15:23 AM »
Any place online where one of the striker elite's can be purchased? I was getting ready to buy one when the original owner sold them to brunswick and have been waiting to find one since. Thanks.