ok, so yesterday i went bowling (my usual 5 game set), well about an hour or 2 after i was done, my wrist started stiffening up. later that nite, i iced it but it only began to hurt sharply as i tried to sleep. now any movement produces a sharp pain on the top of my hand, basically centered at the joint. I kno its not a broken bone prolly becuz i can move my hand freely, its just painful. also it seems the muscle connecting my thumb to my wrist is also hurt becuz anytime i raise it up it produces the same sharp pain. this is the first time ive ever had any pain like this. there has been stiffness in the past but nothing more
any ideas as to wut is ailing me?
any tips on relief?
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
Edited on 8/30/2008 11:31 PM