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Author Topic: Wrist Pain  (Read 1935 times)


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Wrist Pain
« on: February 19, 2017, 01:55:33 PM »
Got some good pain on the right side of my wrist.  Hurts like heck when I try to bowl.  Seems like it hurts worse when I turn it like when releasing the ball.  Anyone ever have this issue and if you did what was wrong.  Does a wrist brace help.  Tried a robbys the other night.  Had to take it off it made it hurt worse.



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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2017, 02:02:34 PM »
If a wrist brace, which usually helps almost all wrist/hand pain, makes it worse, I think it's time to get serious and see a doctor.


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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2017, 05:22:33 PM »

After you get it to calm down, focus on getting your thumb out earlier.  Often pain in that area is because you are putting torque on it (rotation, revs) while the thumb is still "locked" inside the hole a split second too long.

I have seen guys who put tons on the ball, but get their thumb out faster (earlier) and they never have pain there.


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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2017, 05:51:29 PM »
Just went through this exact issue this past month. Here's what I did. Stopped grabbing the ball. Maybe a piece of tape to tell the mind it's ok to relax. Get that thumb out before hanging and twisting with it in there. Ice your wrist between sessions a few times. Try using Kinesiology tape to wrap your wrist. That has solved my issue.
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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2017, 07:06:52 PM »
I have had similar problems off and on in recent years.

after seeing a doctor and getting the issue fixed (rest/prescription for inflammation in my case) I did a couple things:

1) dropped from 16 lbs to 15 lbs in my equipment
2) I wear a wrap around my wrist, this one specifically
3) I went to my pro-shop and before we started drilling my first 15 lbs balls, we changed spans and pitches.

for me, the change in spans/pitches probably did the most for relieving the pain and preventing it again.  I am 2 years into my switch to 15 lbs and I still use the occasional 16 lbs ball and have no issues, but all the equipment I do throw has been updated to the latest span/pitches.

one thing to remember; while the SYMPTOMS might be the same for some of us, the underlying issue may not be.  your best bet is to see your doctor first.

Eddie M

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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2017, 09:59:13 PM »
Does it begin to hurt gradually as you bowl?  Does your grip weaken as your wrist hurts more?  And after you're done bowling, does it still hurt?  In particular, does it hurt to rotate your forearm like you're turning a key or doorknob?  If the answers are yes, then go see a doctor.  I dealt with this same pain, and in the end just switched to bowling left handed.  Bowling is the only thing that aggravates the wrist for me, and it was switch hand or have surgery.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 10:03:06 PM by Eddie M »
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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2017, 12:01:10 PM »
All of the above you mentioned Eddie M.  Do you know what your Dr. Would have done in surgery?  How long of a recovery time would it have been?

Eddie M

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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2017, 06:04:48 PM »
All of the above you mentioned Eddie M.  Do you know what your Dr. Would have done in surgery?  How long of a recovery time would it have been?

  The injury is broadly known as TFCC.  There are many different variations, and most surgical fixes are accomplished with a simple arthroscopic procedure.  My doctor recommended 6 weeks rest, then when after my wrist still hurt after 6 weeks, he took an xray and said 6 months off and a possible surgery.  The surgery would have been an arthroscopic in and out deal.  Something like a week in a splint, then a cast for a few weeks.  With possible physical therapy depending on the severity of the injury.

Although I think surgery is only needed if you physically tore a ligament or disc, otherwise rest with a brace will probably what you have to do.
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Re: Wrist Pain
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2017, 07:30:36 AM »
I am actually going through the same thing, hurt my ulnar side of the wrist at the gym last week and tried to bowl on Sunday and felt pain and also like my wrist had no strength.  Took a lot of advil and ice sunday night and Monday and hoping it helped.  Going to try and bowl league tonight, if it still hurts then I will be going to the doctor. 
Going to be using the Kmotion tape with one piece on the right side of wrist going u and then another just around my wrist. 
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