Hand and wrist position can change a lot. I just had a similar case last weekend in training. Not sure about the pattern, I guess it was THS, nothing fancy, with a good back end.
I played with my new Igniter, standard hand position (thumb straight up, palm about 45° tilt). Ball went well down the lane, made a sharp turn, hit the pocket - but I could not strike. Single pin leaves galore. I moved my feet around tried different lines, nothing convincing.
As another option in store I finally changed my hand position into a more flat position, parallel to the floor and the thumb pointing outwards. The result would be more of an end-over-end roll, a less shrp break point and less overall hook. I had to adjust my feet 2 boards outwrds, too, but out of a sudden those pocket hits carried and I was able to strike, even score a Turkey or 4-bagger.
Lesson learned: Know what you can achieve with different wrist/hand/finger positions. There will be times when the limit between success and failure is just the tilt of your hand away...

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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