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Author Topic: Ball Test Videos, Differences?  (Read 3402 times)


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Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:22:03 PM »
I have watched many, many ball review videos over the years, usually compliments of the various manufacturers and/or fellow bowlers willing to take the time to create the video and post it on the internet.

What I have observed is that the vast majority of these videos show a very competent bowler throwing the ball over 15 to 18 at the arrows, out to a breakpoint of 7-10 and then curving back to the pocket very nicely for a strike.

Even the overlay videos will show the similarity of the ball path. One could estimate almost all new ball paths within a couple of boards and be right most of the time.

Unless I am missing something, do these videos actually show us anything since, at least to my eye, they are so very similar to each other?

Am I missing something?
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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 09:15:47 PM »
Brunswick made a video for the C-System 3.5 when it came out. Instead of playing music over the video they had Billy O. doing commentary, letting the audience know exactly what they were seeing. They also showed some shots using the 3.5 with a pin up and another with a pin down drilling. The bowler rolled used the same strike line and release for each shot. The results really demonstrated the differences the pin positions made. Billy then explained the move the bowler made in order to adjust for the different drills. They also did this while comparing the 3.5 to the 2.5.

I thought this was one of the best, most informative ball vids out there. I wish more companies would follow this type of format. Forsake the music in favor of an intelligent voice over. Show the difference between ball A and ball B. Roll them back to back without changing line or release. Otherwise like the o.p. said, "do these videos actually show us anything?"


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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 09:59:36 AM »
Maybe the balls really aren't that different?

I mean let's ask ourselves....are balls from 3 years ago really different from the ones out now....what about 5 years ago?

Ball companies use the constant barrage of "new" bowling balls to keep production levels up as bowling continues to decline.  The reality is they are just trying to get more out of fewer bowlers.


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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2012, 01:47:59 PM »
Billy O's video's/Big B are probably the best done out there.  Justin Wi's are very good though I can not equate to this bowling stats....he does a very good job with explaining lane condition, ball specs/layout.

As to what dicnic said here.."What I have observed is that the vast majority of these videos show a very competent bowler throwing the ball over 15 to 18 at the arrows, out to a breakpoint of 7-10 and then curving back to the pocket very nicely for a strike."

I believe that is more to the house lane condition of 40' to 41' wet/dry THS that the majority of video ball reviews are shot on.   


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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 06:28:17 PM »

also a well done video from both the right and left side

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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 11:55:55 PM »
I personally like videoballreviews videos on YouTube. He's a member here, and has been doing it for years. In recent years, the quality has gone way up, and there much more techie info and varied oil patterns. Chech out his 900 Global Freight Train video.


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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 08:25:54 AM »
I have watched a lot of them also.  Entry to Mid level performance seems to move as well and strike just as much as the high/pro performance balls.  I also look closely at where they are crossing the arrorws.  Some of these were pulled 2-3 boards inside and they held and struck as well.  If you only bowl on leagues once or twice a week and don't bowl on any sport shot or sport tournament, then you can stay with the entry-mid priced balls.  They will work just fine and save you money.  If you bowl in sport shot tournaments or leagues, then you may want to look at higher priced equipment.  The real trick is getting the ball and drilling pattern matched up to your speed and rev rate.  Most of the high end equipment won't work well for someone who throws the ball 14 mph with 300-350 revs.
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.


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Re: Ball Test Videos, Differences?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2012, 03:53:48 PM »
I have always believed the same thing, that most of the videos aren't too helpful. Most are shot on THS and some/ a lot don't even tell you the oil pattern and whether it is fresh, burned, etc. I also don't want to see just all strikes, personally. As one stated show me the same line/release with 2 different balls, show me the one striking and the other missing the headpin left or right (depending on if a step up or step down for a RH). Show the actual differences between balls and drillings on the same ball. And please please please tell us the oil pattern and it's condition. It's one thing to show a ball hooking off your hand but if its on a THS pattern after 2 sets of leagues, than maybe that's not the ball I want for a fresh sports pattern, etc. JMHO.