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Author Topic: Wrist Supports  (Read 8740 times)


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Wrist Supports
« on: September 13, 2009, 04:56:57 PM »
Looking for a wrist support that keeps your fingers under the ball.  Which support do you have an why?  Any ideas for me?
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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 03:24:54 AM »
It is not the wrist support that keeps your hand under the ball, it is still you! It just prevents your wrist from breaking back, but you still have to avoid a premature turn of your wrist - otherwise you might increase revs, but you just lose that power in spin.

My advice: use the lightest/smallest model that you feel that it actually helps you. Try different models, just to compare their feeling and how they influence your delivery.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 09:30:01 AM »

I like the Mongoose Equalizer because it's small, comfortable, and very cost effective because they last forever.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 04:29:25 PM »
Lane, how do you feel about the Lifter?  That one seems like it would be a little better in terms of wrist position.  Reason being is because I think the last strap goes around the fingers but the Equalizer probably has it go around the palm.  Mongoose isn't PBA approved is it?  I wonder how the Storm Xtra supports compare.
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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 05:49:13 PM »
There are many, many choices among wrist braces. Soft, hard, long short, stiff and adjustable. I've learned from personal experience that there are too many variables in bowler and brace to make sweeping recommendations. However, this is the list of braces I own:

Mongoose Equalizer
Mongoose Lifter
Mongoose Optimum
Ebonite Striker
Storm Xtra-Roll
Storm Gadget
Robby Revs I
Robby Revs II

If you want a good sampling different brace types, I'd look at the Equalizer, Lifter, and Revs II. I'm not a huge fan of the the largest and most restrictive type braces (Gadget and Revs I for me), so I wouldn't recommend going down that path until you've written off the less restrictive types.

You can stare at them and hear other bowler opinions, but there is no substitute for trying them out and deciding through trial and error. Assuming you'll stay with a brace, it's worth the investment to buy and try out a few different types.

BTW, I'm currently rotating between the Storm Xtra-Roll and Robby Revs II depending on what I'm trying to accomplish and lane condition. When I want to stay further under the ball for more hook, I'll go with the Revs. When conditions are more toasty and I need greater release versatility, the Xtra-Roll is more useful. But again, it's individual preference.


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 06:22:10 PM »
Hi Steven.  Some questions for you.  What is it about the Robby Revs I that's restrictive?  I'm guessing the finger support which helps the hand stay in position better.  Is this the same difference between the Equalizer and Lifter?  With the Xtra Roll, are you saying you have more freedom of movement, and is the Equalizer similar?
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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 06:59:41 PM »
Compared to the Revs II, the Revs I has longer finger support. I don't have the two in front of me, but I also believe the Revs I extends a slight bit further down the arm. It's mostly the longer finger support I find more more restrictive. It's personal preference, but I like the little extra finger freedom provided on the shorter Revs II.  

The Equalizer and Lifter are just completely different animals. The Equalizer is small and attaches across the palm. It still provides for a lot of freedom in release. The Lifter does come higher up the fingers, but the strap attaches at the base of the fingers and restricts you from any cupping of the ball. The Optimum is a Lifter with the addition of a strap across the palm.  

You can think of the Xtra-Roll as a larger and more restrictive/supportive version of the Equalizer. It straps across the palm like the Equalizer, but has longer finger and forearm support. I'm able to get more on the ball with the Xtra-Roll than I can with the Equalizer, so for me the Xtra-Roll gets much more use. But again, it depends on your objectives.  


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 07:43:05 PM »
Thanks Steven.  My goal is for the support to give me a good wrist position.  Doesn't have to be cupped, but it needs to be strong enough to prevent my thumb from going anywhere near the top of the ball.  I don't have any injuries but my small wrist is not quite strong enough for a consistent release.  Which one would you recommend for this?  So the straps that go around the fingers prevent you from cupping more?

By the way, I have an older brace, a Storm Sportcast.  I think it would work okay for what I want but it seems a little short(width is fine).  For how tight I have to make it to achieve the purpose, I would think the Xtra Roll can do a better job.
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Edited on 9/14/2009 7:56 PM


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 08:13:31 PM »
Based on your personal description, I'd look at either the Storm Xtra-Roll or the Mongoose Lifter.

For a brace with a palm strap, the Xtra-Roll will probably give you a little more support than the Sportcast.

The Lifter straps at the base of the fingers without a palm strap. It's a completely different sensation than a palm strap brace. It's a love it or hate it kind of feel. But it will keep your hand in a good leverage position at release.

I think either one would help meet your objective for a more consistent release. I'd recommend the Xtra-Roll only because it feels more natural. But if you know anyone with either a Lifter or an Xtra-Roll, ask if you can try it out for a game or so. That's the best way to know for sure.


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 08:43:17 PM »
Thanks a lot, I will look at those.  My Sportcast actually does let my wrist break back some, and it worries me a little because it makes me wonder if a brace can actually do what I need it to.  I would want the Storm one because it could be used in PBA competition, but I'm concerned the Mongoose is my best option.
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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 10:56:29 PM »

Sorry. Been gone all day. The Equalizer is intended to help create roll. The Lifter is popular, but I prefer the strap across the palm and the shorter overall brace of the Equalizer.

Last time I checked Mongoose products are not PBA approved, which usually means they didn't want to pay the associated fee - not because one company's product is better than another.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 11:50:10 PM »
Thanks Lane.  I'm not too picky about the feel myself, although if I have to strap it really tight I tend to have some discomfort with one of the bones of my wrist.  The reason I asked about the braces being PBA Approved is so I can get one that is, in order to avoid looking for a replacement when/if I do a Regional.

The simpler the better, but serving the intended purpose is the main priority.
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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2009, 09:48:49 AM »
Strike: I understand the PBA approved thing. So if you try the Lifter and decide you like the feel of the strap around the fingers, you can also pick up an Ebonite Striker. The Striker has the same design as the Lifter, but because it's from Ebonite, you can use it in a Regional.

I had the same dilemma for a Regional last year, so I bought a Striker. It's not the same quality or exactness of fit and the Lifter, but close enough. BTW, if you experiment with braces, you'll find Mongoose makes the highest quality and most comfortable products available.  

It looks like Ebonite is discontinuing the Striker, but you should be able to find them online for a while longer. Good luck with whatever direction you go in. Let us know what you end up doing.

Edited on 9/15/2009 11:52 AM


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2009, 12:22:28 PM »
i used to like the eagal from cobra but the switched to a pro release..

THe switch felt like i was try'n to bowl with a boxing glove but i got use to the size and now if i use a brace the pro release is the only one.


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Re: Wrist Supports
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2009, 12:22:47 PM »
i used to like the eagal from cobra but the switched to a pro release..

THe switch felt like i was try'n to bowl with a boxing glove but i got use to the size and now if i use a brace the pro release is the only one.