Thanks for the replies! There are not any physical ailments to stop me from bowling right handed. I've messed around open bowling before and noticed that I can put down a decent shot left handed (I've thrown 5 strikes in a row lefth handed) but my spare game from that side is horrible. I think there may be potential enough to match my right handed avg in a couple of years.
Then, throw in the fact that there are generally MUCH FEWER left handed people playing the lane and moving the oil (or absorbing it with their sponges) and I just wondered if my scoring potential would increase due to less traffic on that side of the lane. I'm not saying lefties have it totally easy, but the thought of not having 9 other guys constantly changing (drying out) the lane every night is rather appealing to me.
More importantly though, I wanted to see how such a decision would affect my team psychologically. The avgs on that team are 194, 191, 181, 163, 139. I think I have my answer, and that would be to join a separate social league to work on my left handed game in a competition environment and keep bowling righty on my current team. A couple of you mentioned you would feel I don't take the team seriously, and since I'm the high avg on that team, that's probably how it would come across. Thanks again for the replies - if I follow through with this in the future, I'll let you know of my results!