I'm going to go a different direction and recommend a Brunswick Meanstreak Brawler or Radical Torrid Affair. The Torrid Affair in particular has a low RG core (2.47) to help him with his low revs and the same differential as the Danger Zone (0.47). The Brawler has a higher RG (2.536) but the same differential (0.47). Both balls have covers that take extremely well to surface changes.
These are both classic benchmark balls and you can expect that predictable roll and smooth arc that Brunswick is known for. In fact, the Torrid Affair is poured by Brunswick.
If you are worried and want something a little weaker, I highly recommend the Ringer. If you want to steer away from Brunswick, others can chime in. I had the original Natural and found it didn't stack up against my old Faball Hammers, but that's the only one I tried.
Good luck!