I use 1" white tape in both the front and back of the thumb hole (I have a larger-than-average thumb), and I go back and forth using blue Hada patches on the outside of my thumb. I can see the logic in using white in front, black in back and not using skin tape and white tape (friction on friction), but as others have said, it's all about feel and personal preference. As such, I don't think there is a right or wrong way to use these products. If duct tape and magic carpet allow you to achieve a relaxed/comfortable/pressure free grip, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for using it. Hell, I bowled with a guy who bowled with a missing finger insert for more than a full season because he was too cheap to get a replacement put in. I found that very foolish, but it didn't seem to bother him, and his bowling performance was still at the same level it had always been at. In the end, it's about doing you. If you aren't getting a good feel, experiment with the things that you see others doing. If you already have a good feel, don't let anyone make you feel like you're doing something wrong just because it's not the method they use.