win a ball from

Author Topic: You might not want me on your league team! But you might want me as your partner in a tourney!  (Read 997 times)


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Or ..... I'm so righty it's scary!!!!

As a dominant righty person who has switched from righty to lefty due to injury.
I have a history as a mediocre league bowler!

Well it's gotten worse!!!!

You see I'm not on a team, I go into some fun leagues around here and wait to sub.  Typically to bowl my best I need about 10 to 12 practice balls, (just about a game).  Often you get that in tourneys, but in league when you get picked just before the last ball in practice it's tough to warmup and practice.

Then this first game is pot luck.  130s to 220s are possible with no idea what is gonna come out of that needs to warmup left hand.

THEN IT GETS WORSE.  Most of these leagues have two forms I need to sign Local ABC cards and a league substitution sheet.  (sort of a local thing I guess).
This causes me to go back during the second game and write with my right hand.

For whatever reason this seems to cross some circuits in the old brain.
Now for whatever reason using that klutzy old left hand is even more difficult for whatever reason.  Short circuit, gutter, spare, short circuit, gutter, spare, short circuit gutter 9 to start a game the other night after a 220 start!  He he.

Then the writings over and I'm back by game 3, unless the transition is too great! Or if a bunch of the wallies in these mixed leagues walk up on me!!
(unlike two lane courtesy in tournaments)

Anyway I'm averaging 20 pins lower than my previous mediocre league average.
I used to typically average about 10 pins a game higher in tourneys.  

NOW it's almost 30.  

Two to three tournaments lately I've been on the verge of winning and shooting almost 30 pins a game higher than league!!!

Keep on givin me no warmup, make me fill out lots of forms righty, walk up on me on every other shot, and have me bowl with a bunch of different people I don't know every week and you've got it, a DANGEROUS HANDICAP BOWLER.


PS Oh another little wrinkle from last week, after about 5 frames I realize that we are lagging every other team by over 5 frames.
It turns out that new teammates(sub) have a bowler that has hurt her foot.
Captain is out massaging her leg for up to 2 to 3 minutes every throw.
Quite interesting.  We are forty minutes in to first game and have thrown five frames.  That keeps the flow goin!  139!  She finally wisely retires, after being very adequately rubbed!
PPS Need a handicap partner!  I try on EVERY FRAME!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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It also takes me a game or even two sometimes to get the feel of the ball. I often start with a 170 something. Friday it was 174, 209, 244. Monday before, it 178, 235, 237. Tuesday must have been a "good hair day" as I shot 232, 233, 256.

I try to get in at least 2 games of practice before leagues but it's not always possible, and I don't always have the time.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 4/5/2004 1:31 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Yep, as a SUB!!! I have no rights to decide when I'm going to be picked.

The last two league nights I showed up 55 minutes early to get on a team and since I'm new in town I didn't get picked up till one minute before league play started.  2 practice balls later I'm bowling for score.  By the third frame I'm getting a little flow and then Bertha hurts her leg.

If you bowled for average with your opposite hand Saw you would get it.
I AM not ambidextrous in any sense.  But once I get in the groove, well MACHINE I guess could be a word for it!


PS yes I once was on league team that bowled for $20,000, somehow I managed to show up early and bowl two practice games a night or at least one over the final 15 weeks.  Some strong partners and a league average like my tournament average they were handing us some large dollarinos!
PPS I've told numerous people this analogy.  Numerous friends in college would say to me, "Hey I didn't even study and I got a B+ in that class".  I'd say "When I do that I get a D", However, "After I study 6 hours a day I'm an A student".  Who's better off?  Has Mr. B+ shown he would really get A's if he studied?  I'm not sure!

Edited on 4/5/2004 1:47 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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What did her leg look like? Couldn't have been too good looking, or EVERYONE would have been taking a turn rubbing it?
(eh eh eh)