I have a difficult time believing that oil dries out on synthetic lanes but at our local house here in SE Florida it appears that is so. The other night when I arrived for league, the lane guy was on lane 5, fiddling with the machine. Apparently it had broken down and he finally got it going again. He ran 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1, then put the machine away.
We started on 3 & 4 immediately, and there was a nice amount of oil, which is unusual for this place. I bowl there three times a week and the lanes are almost always dry with flying back ends. I guess some nights they oil after they close and then the oil sits until the next morning. Senior leagues all day, re-oiling before evening leagues, and the lanes are always pretty dry.
I think their oiling machine is an oldie and not a goodie so perhaps it simply does not work very well. In any event, I am beginning to believe the oil dries out overnight. How is this possible?
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.