Something like a Hot Wire or Barbed Wire would make a good first ball. Solid reactive shell, decent core, and not a huge hooker, which might be hard to control. In the past, it was common to learn with a plastic ball, then move to urethane and resin. With today's oils, I'm not sure if plastic will hook enough for a beginner. If you get discouraged with your new purchase, you might give up on the sport. If you're crossing over with a houseball, perhaps one of the new pearl urethanes (Lane #1 XXL or Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle) would be a good choice. The best thing you can do is establish a relationship with a good proshop. They will watch you throw a few shots and recommend what's best. Also, a good fitting ball is extremely important. It will put less stress on your body, keep you from developing bad habits, and help you deliver a solid, repeatable release.
Penn State Proud